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Browse by journal title

If you know the first word of the journal title you are looking for, use this to get the journal.

Click on a letter for a journal title starting with that letter. You will get an alphabetical list of journal titles starting with that letter. Click on a title to go directly to that journal.

Search journal title

This is meant for searching a journal title, not the title of a journal article.

If you aren't sure of the beginning of your journal title, or know only some of the words, use this to get the journal.

Please note that initial articles such as a, an, the, le, and la, are not used in journal titles. Do not use initial articles in searching, but include articles within the title.

This will search exactly the word you type. You have to be careful about the spelling, singular or plural form, etc. If you type two or more words, then, these have to be in the same order as they appear in the title.

Do not use this for subject searching of titles. For example, if you type "veterinary" to find all veterinary journals, you will miss journals with "animal" in title. Use "Browse journals by subject category" instead.

View list of journals

The list is alphabetical and the titles include the publishers' names in parentheses. You can view the list as well as go directly to the journal by clicking on its title.

Browse journals by subject category (scope notes)

  • Subject categories are based on the broad scope of AGORA journals.
  • Journals are grouped according to broad subject categories, according to their subject content.
  • Journal titles are repeated under different categories, as and when necessary.
  • Scope notes include topics covered under each subject category, and are not ordered in any specific manner. These give an idea of the major topics covered under specific subject categories.

Click on "Browse journals by subject category (scope notes)" to go to a page containing AGORA subject categories with their scope notes.

Scope notes will help you to select the appropriate subject category/categories. For example, if you are looking for journals on "Oceanography", you would see that you can find these under "Fisheries/Aquatic Science" subject category, as "Oceanography" is in its scope notes.

You can also click on a subject category directly from the displayed subject categories.

Clicking on a subject category will give you an alphabetical list of journal titles on that subject. Click on the titles of your interest, one by one, to get to those journals.

Browse journals by publisher

Select a publisher from the drop down alphabetical list and click to browse the journals offered by that publisher to AGORA. Click on a title to go directly to the journal.
