Division of Cardiovascular Diseases Strategic Plan

Goals in Cardiovascular Research Training

3.3. Facilitate the research training and establishment of research independence of individuals from under-represented groups

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DCVD has supported a number of important programs over the past 17 years to encourage diversity of the scientific workforce. Efforts will continue and expand in this area. Presently, DCVD has a diversity research supplement program, an R25 short-term diversity training program, and several incentives to encourage diversity on National Research Service Award training grants. However, more work is needed to promote and stimulate greater diversity among predoctoral trainees as a necessary prelude to a more diverse pool of predoctoral, postdoctoral fellows and independent scientists in the future.

Strategies to Accomplish this Goal May Entail:

  • The continuation of the annual diversity research supplement awardee sessions concurrent with major conferences as well as encouragement for participation in training programs that fall short of their recruitment goals.
  • Encourage, develop, and support additional partnerships between minority and nonminority academic institutions to promote diverse training programs.
  • Monitor and track the effectiveness and enforcement of minority recruitment plans of currently awarded training grants to determine the best approaches to achieve success.
  • Develop tools within the NHLBI to increase the diversity of trainees such as web-based instruments to direct minority applicants to programs that are well matched to their career goals.
  • Use existing initiatives and resources in scientific areas that target CV disease within ethnic, racial, and underserved populations to stimulate an interest in research training among diverse student populations.
  • Communicate with the program staff to supply information on research diversity supplement programs to recently awarded grantees and to encourage their participation.

Contributing Sources:

  • NHLBI Workshops and Working Groups:

September 2008

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