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Grower Research and Education Grants

Call for Proposals 2006

The 2006 Grower Research and Education Grants have been chosen. Thank you to all who submitted proposals.

Past Grower Grants

The Colorado State University Specialty Crops Program has distributed grant money to growers and groups of growers annually from 2002 to 2005 to conduct applied on-farm research and education projects.

Below is a map of locations of past grant projects. Click on a site on the map to find out more about the projects, or see the list below the map for links to projects by year. If you are interested in a specific crop or topic, please click on our Index page to find links to the grants by topics.

Biology and Management of the Sap Beetle in Western Colorado Sweet Corn Winter Vegetable Crop Production and Marketing Pickling Cucumber Variety Trials Crop Modeling for Sustainable Grape Production High Tunnel Heirloom Tomatoes Organic Strawberry Production- Testing Various Culitvars for Taste and Adaptability to Western Colorado and Season Extension Techniques for Early Berry Production Determining Opportunities and Financial Feasibility of Value-Added Colorado Peach Products Marketing Colorado Wine Trails Japanese Beetle Eradication Winter Greenhouse Production of Specialty Greens Profiting from Solar Heating Hops Variety Test in Western Colorado Organic Fruit Marketing Research Project Field Hoop Houses Use of On-Farm Cover Crops for Fertility in Organic Fruit Production Assesment of Antioxidant Properties of Colorado Apples Compared to Competing Production Regions Specialty Crop Development Plan of the Chimney Rock Farm Market Differentiation Project- Colorado Potatoes Enhancing Potato Production by Improving the Soil Food Web Enhancing the Production of Certified Strawberry Nursery Stock Certified Naturally Grown Table Grape, Raspberry, and Blackberry Production with Drip Irrigation Improving the Processing and Marketing of the Mira Sol Chile Pepper Organic Sweet Potato, Cucurbit Seed, and Blackberry Production, Harvesting, Storage, and Marketing Economic Feasibility of Producing Chiles and Ornamental Peppers, and Heirloom and Specialty Peppers Growing Seedless Watermelon in the Arkansas Valley Increasing the Marketing Period for Melons using Row Covers Production of Peppers and Tomatoes with Saline Water Using Subsurface Drip Irrigation Drought Tolerance of Bedding Plant Annuals Production Planning for Specialty Crops in the Five Major Farming Areas of Colorado Using Row Covers and Plasticulture to Produce Earlier Harvest and Greater Yields Controlling Weeds Using Steam and Flame Treatments Colorado Crop to Cuisine: Strenthening Market Relationships Between Chefs and Specialty Crop Producers Colorado Garlic: Cold Storage Methods and Spring Greens Rude Becky's Specialty Cut Flower High Tunnel Project Tunnel Modification for Production of Field Grown Organic Vegetables Onion Project Demonstration Under Drip-Irrigation Alternative Techniques for Weed and Verticllium Control Feasibility of Primocane-Fruiting Blackberry Production Feasibility Study for Establishing, Growing, and Propagating Wolf Berries Rocky Mountain Seed Exchange Production Feasibility Test for Lingonberries in Colorado Colorado Fresh Produce Club Research Trial of Heirloom and Hybrid Tomato Varieties in High Tunnel Production Organic Garden Pea Seed Production High Tunnel Production and Market Research of Cut Flowers for Early Market and Sales Lettuce Variety Comparison, Insect Resistance Evaluations, and Organic Treatment Trials for the Red Lettuce Aphid Enhancing Strawberry Nursery Production Using Early Season Plant and Soil Treatments Improving Intensive Production with Transplants Organic Vine and Seed Production and Marketing Colorado Crops to Cuisine: Enhancing Value-Added Product Offerings and More Diverse Marketing Channels Growing New and Unique Watermelons and Muskmelons in the Arkansas Valley Exotic and Specialty Melons for the Rocky Ford Area

2002 Projects

2003 Projects

2004 Projects

2005 Projects

2006 Projects



Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture