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Newsletter | Past Issues


January, 2009

In This Issue:

Working Towards Flexible Cash Rents

Section 179 and Additional 1st Year Depreciation Guidelines

Farmers Tax Guides Available at Local County Extension Office

USDA's Milk Income Loss Contract Program (MILC) Sign-up Begins for Ohio Dairy Farms

The Global Financial Crisis: To Regulate or not to Regulate?

Business Transition Resources Available from OSU Extension

What are the Skills of Financially Successful Farmers?

Do you have a question that you would like to ask the Ohio AG Manager Team?  If so, click here to email your question



Working Towards Flexible Cash Rents

Glen Arnold, Extension Educator for Putnam County

Wide fluctuations in input prices over the past few years and the high cost per acre to produce crops has more farmers interested in looking at flexible cash rent arrangements. Flexible cash rental arrangements have been around for many years. The more commonly used flexible arrangements flex for crop prices, crop yields or a combination of both. Typically, a base floor (minimum per acre rent price) guaranteed the landowner's payment would not drop below an agreed level.

More recently, interest has grown to flex cash rent arrangements for input costs as well. A farmer could flex for fertilizer and other major crop inputs. Barry Ward, Ohio State University Production Business Management Leader, has developed a flexible cash lease calculator for farmers and landowners. The calculator is available as a Microsoft Excel worksheet from http://aede.osu.edu/Programs/FarmManagement/Budgets/download.htm

Farmers can gather information for putting together their own cash rent agreements by viewing examples from various sources. Borrowing sentences and paragraphs from these sample agreements can speed up the development of your own farm rent agreement. Websites where flexible cash rent agreements are either discussed or can be viewed include:

Flexible cash rent lease examples from Iowa State University Extension http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/pdf/c2-22.pdf

Flexible cash rents for farm ground from Ohio State University Extension http://ohioline.osu.edu/fr-fact/0002.html

Illinois University Extension cash rent form http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/legal/Farmdoc_Form_CL01_0912.pdf


Iowa cash rent lease (short form) http://www.extension.iastate.edu/AGDM/wholefarm/html/c2-16.html


Midwest Plan Service Lease Forms http://www.mwps.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=c_content.view&pageID=257&catList=239,254,257


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  Section 179 and Additional 1st Year Depreciation Guidelines

Chris Bruynis, Extension Educator in Wyandot County


Farmers and others in an active trade or business can elect to treat the cost of up to $250,000 of qualifying property purchased during 2008 as an expense (rather than as a depreciable capital expenditure). Congress has aggressively increased and extended the Section 179 deduction in recent years. Under current legislation, the Section 179 limit is scheduled to drop back to $133,000 for 2009 through 2010(with indexing). To qualify for Section 179 expensing, all of the following requirements be met:

•  The property must be tangible personal property used in a trade or business.

•  The property must be purchased; either new or used property can be expensed.

•  For property acquired in like-kind exchanges, only the boot portion is eligible for expensing.


The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 provides an additional first-year depreciation deduction equal to 50 percent of the adjusted basis, after Section 179 expensing, of qualifying property placed in service after December 31, 2007 and before January 1, 2009. This additional first-year or bonus depreciation is allowed for both regular and AMT tax purposes. To qualify for the additional first-year depreciation, the property must meet all five of the following requirements.

•  The original use of the property must start with the taxpayer (property must be new).

•  The property must be MACRS property with a recovery period of 20 years or less.

•  The taxpayer must purchase the property or enter into a binding contract to purchase the property in 2008.

•  The property generally must be placed in service in calendar year 2008.

•  The taxpayer is not required to use the Alternative Depreciation System (ADS) for the property. A producer with orchards, vineyards, or groves who elected not to capitalize pre-production expenses is generally required to use ADS.


Make sure to check with your tax preparer to see how these rule changes can assist you in managing your tax liability.

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Farmers Tax Guides Available at Local County Extension Offices

The Ohio Ag Manager Team

Farmers can receive a free copies of IRS Publication 22, the Farmers Tax Guide, at their local county Extension office.  Click here to find the location of the OSU Extension County Extension offices.  A reminder from last month's newsletter about  the tax changes was written by Dr. George Patrick's.  The paper titled, "Income Tax Management for Farmers in 2008,"  is available at http://www.agecon.purdue.edu/extension/pubs/taxplan2008.pdf

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USDA Milk Income Loss Contract Program (MILC) Sign up begins for Ohio Dairy Farms
David L. Marrison, Extension Educator in Ashtabula County

The financial crisis has hit our country with a resounding thud. Sadly, it looks like a rough year is ahead for our dairy industry as the projections for the upcoming year's milk prices are bleak. It is no secret that 2009 will be a tight year; one which dairy producers will need to save a nickel here and a dime there to cash flow their operation. While our 2009 milk price outlook looks bleak, there is some comfort in the reauthorization of the Martket Income Loss Contract Program (MILC) and the three key changes contained in the 2008 Farm Bill version of the MILC program.

The USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) recently announced that signup for the MILC program has begun and will continue through the program's expiration date, Sept 30, 2012.  This program operates similarly to the counter-cyclical payment program for crops.  Under the 2008 Act, the MILC payment rate and the per-operation poundage limit are modified, depending on when the milk is produced. In addition, a "feed cost adjuster," is introduced over the life of the 2008 Act, which adjusts the $16.94 per hundredweight (cwt.) benchmark price upward depending on the cost of feed rations. When available, MILC payments are based on a payment rate percentage that is multiplied by the difference between a now-flexible target ($16.94 per cwt. or higher) and the specific month's Boston Class I price of milk.

MILC payments are awarded on an operation-by-operation basis up to a maximum of 2.4 million pounds of milk produced and marketed from Oct. 1, 2007, through Sept. 30, 2008. The production limit per operation increases to 2.985 million pounds for each fiscal year from October 1, 2008, through August 31, 2012. The production limitation will revert back to the original limit of 2.4 million pounds per fiscal year in September 2012.

The 2008 Act adjusts the trigger price of $16.94 cwt., depending on the extent to which feed costs increase. The feed cost adjustment takes effect when the monthly National Average Dairy Feed Ration Cost is greater than $7.35 per cwt. beginning January 1, 2008, through August . 31, 2012. Calculations from January 1, 2008, through August 31, 2012, will be made at 45 percent of the percentage that the National Average Dairy Feed Ration Cost exceeds $7.35 per cwt.

Beginning with the current fiscal year, which started on October 1, 2008, the reauthorization made changes to the provisions for payment eligibility to add an adjusted gross income (AGI) limit. If the individual or entity has annual non-farm AGI for the relevant base period greater than $500,000, the individual or entity is not eligible for MILC benefits. The base period will be set pursuant to AGI regulations yet to be issued. That rule will also define what is considered to be non-farm income.

During the signup application period, participating dairy operations must select the month of the fiscal year to start receiving payments for eligible production. Producers submitting a contract application within 30 days of the beginning of the application period can select any preceding month as the start month. Producers submitting contract applications after Jan. 21, 2009, will not have the option of selecting an earlier month as the payment start month for the dairy operation for a fiscal year; and will be limited to applicable start month selection rules. Those general rules are that the start month must either be the month the contract is submitted or some later month. Changes in the month may be made from year to year so long as the designation is made by the fourteenth of the month proceeding the new start month. Pound limits run from the start month and all pounds for which payment is received count against the limit for that fiscal year.

Eligible dairy producers are those who commercially produce milk in the United States . To receive program approval, producers must enter into a MILC contract with CCC and provide monthly milk marketing data. Dairy producers can apply for MILC at their local Farm Service Agency office. Click here to find the location of your location FSA office.

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The Global Financial Crisis: To Regulate or not to Regulate?

Dr. Ian Sheldon, Anderson's Professor of International Trade, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University


The December 2008 Andersons Policy Bulletin titled The Global Financial Crisis: To Regulate or not to Regulate? was recently released.  The Andersons Policy Bulletins are discussions of key trade and policy issues.  In the past year, the world economy has been dominated by the global crisis in financial markets, the bursting of the housing price bubble in a number of advanced economies, notably the US and UK, and, until quite recently, a strong surge in commodity prices. The collective impact of these factors has been a marked slowdown in global economic activity, with a significant risk that the crisis in the global financial system will have a severe impact on the real economy. This paper examines the global financial crisis and examines if whether this crisis should be regulated by governments.  The complete bulletin can be accessed at: http://aede.osu.edu/programs/Anderson/trade/Andersons%20Policy%20Bulletin-4%20.pdf


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Business Transition Resources Available from OSU Extension

David Marrison, OSU Extension Educator, Ashtabula County

As the age of farm operators increases, transferring the ownership and management of the family business to the next generation will become one of the most important issues farm families will face. While many farmers dream of seeing their legacy passed on to the next generation, many postpone initiating a plan for the transition of their business for a variety of reasons. In order to help farms plan for their future, the Ohio Ag Manager Team has developed educational materials for families as they plan for the transfer of their farm business to the next generation.

A fact sheet series is available for quick reading for businesses.  These 3-4 page fact sheets address specific topics.  The Building for the Successful Transition of Your Agricultural Business fact sheets can be accessed at: http://ohioline.osu.edu/bst-fact/index.html or can be received by calling your local OSU Extension office. The current fact sheets are:


The OSU Extension transition team is also pleased to announce the newly revised Bulletin 862 titled, Transferring Your Farm Business to the Next Generation is now available as a resource for families to use as they plan for the future. This 89 page bulletin helps families plan for he future of their business by examining the following questions::

  • Do I want to pass my farm operation to my heirs as an ongoing business or do I want to pass it on as a group of assets?
  • How can you tell if the business is profitable enough to provide for the next generation?
  • Are there enough income and assets to provide for the older generation's wants and needs?
  • How can you help the two generations get along?
  • What should you transfer and in what order?
  • How can you avoid paying too much income, gift and estate taxes?

This bulletin is one which each generation should read. This bulletin can be purchased at your local county Extension office for a bargain price of $9.25 or can be accessed for free at: http://ohioline.osu.edu/lines/bulls.html

Transferring a family farm or farm business to the next generation can be a challenging task. Legal issues, tax laws, and personal differences between family members are some of the issues families must confront when deciding how to transfer the managerial and asset control of a family business. Working together, families can answer the tough questions and develop a transition plan that will provide the opportunity for the farm to be successful for many generations. Let's prove that Ohio farms are great places for our younger generation.


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What are the Skills of Financially Successful Farmers?

Jason Oliver & Bruce Erickson, Purdue University Report

At few times in history has making the right decisions at the right time in agriculture been more
important than now. A recent survey of several hundred farmers showed that, of seven categories of expertise, these farmers rated financial management skills and risk management skills as most important for their success and indicated, as an average, that they were more proficient at these skills than the others. But it was production management skills and personnel management skills that were more related to financial success. This suggests that all farmers may need to be on top of the financial and risk side of the business just to compete, but that production management and personnel management distinguish the financially great farmer from those that might just be getting by.  Click here to access the complete research summary or access it at:
http://www.agecon.purdue.edu/topfarmer/newsletter/TFCW12_2008.pdf .


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Readers can subscribe electronically to this newsletter by sending an e-mail message to: ohioagmanager-on@ag.osu.edu. A successful subscription message will receive by an automatic reply from the listserv. Contact your local Ohio State University Extension Office or e-mail marrison.2@osu.edu if you have problems subscribing.

The Ohio Ag Manager newsletter is published in collaboration by OSU Extension Educators and Faculty members of Ohio State University's Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics.

Ohio Ag Manager Team Leaders: Chris Bruynis & David Marrison

Web Page Managers: David Marrison & Andy Kleinschmidt

Information presented above and where trade names are used, they are supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Ohio State University Extension is implied.

Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or veteran status.  This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.

Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Agricultural
Administration and Director, Ohio State University Extension
TDD No. 800-589-8292 ( Ohio only) or 614-292-1868


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Copyright by The Ohio State University 2004.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
, OSU Extension, OARDC, ATI, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences.