Children & Families
Senator Dodd has spent his public life working to further the success of America's children and families. As a founder of the Senate Children’s Caucus and a senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, he has been a leader in creating initiatives to improve the health, education, and safety of our nation's children. These initiatives include measures to provide more American children with quality health care, to better protect them from the risk of harm by child predators, and to create new opportunities for more children to obtain a first-rate education. He has also successfully led efforts to provide parents with new tools to raise their children. These include grants and tax credits to help working parents find quality child care, expanding Head Start and other preschool opportunities to more families, and the Family and Medical Leave Act, which has allowed 50 million American working men and women to care for a sick family member or new baby without fear of losing their jobs.

Latest on Children & Families

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  • 1/23/09 - Connecticut Local Politics Post On Prescriptions For Change more
  • 1/23/09 - Dodd Kicks Off Connecticut Prescriptions For Change Listening Tour more
  • 1/23/09 - Dodd Tour Aims To Build Unity On Health Care Reform - New Britain Herald - Chris more
  • 1/21/09 - Connecticut Prescriptions For Change more
  • 1/16/09 - Senators Bond And Dodd Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Improve Children's Vision Care more
  • 1/14/09 - First Annual Children’s Champion more
  • 1/14/09 - Dodd Delivers Remarks At Global Action For Children Award Ceremony more
  • 1/14/09 - National Anti-restraint Law Sought - Connecticut Post - Peter Urban more
  • 1/13/09 - A Busy more
( published in: Children & Families )