U.S. Senator David Vitter

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State of Louisiana Approps Form 

I want to inform you of important funding opportunities in the annual federal appropriations process. Our state has faced tremendous adversity in the past few years and it is imperative that we not only continue our rebuilding process but that we also ensure the future of our state by taking advantage of federal funding for key initiatives such as road construction, defense, homeland security, housing, and economic development. The Appropriations process is extremely competitive on a national level. I want to emphasize that a submission cannot ensure positive results. Frankly, only a very small percentage of requests received by my office will ultimately be funded. With your assistance, I hope to identify the best opportunities to match federal dollars with a positive vision for Louisiana�s future that will enable us to strengthen our economic base and bring more jobs and prosperity to the state. It is very important that a thorough and substantive submission is provided as this will greatly increase the chances that your project or program will receive funding. Be sure to include specific dollar amounts, precise plans for the use of the money, and a convincing rationale for what federal objectives and long-term vision for Louisiana will be achieved. Attached to this email is the forms with all the information required. Please e-mail all requests and completed forms to vitter_projects@vitter.senate.gov . Your submission is due no later than February 20, 2009. Thank you very much for your ongoing work to better our community, and thank you for helping me identify key projects in Louisiana worthy of federal funding.

*You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to download one of the privacy release forms.

State of Louisiana Appropriations Form

WRDA Request Form

FEMA Assistance 
Information on FEMA Temporary Housing Assistance.

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U.S. Senate Border Security Caucus 
Learn About Our Border Security Caucus.

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Corruption Hotline 
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Women's Leadership Forum 
Leading the way to a better Louisiana in issues affecting women today.
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