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Vitter Outlines Opposition to Auto Bailout Proposal
December 11, 2008 -  Untitled Document

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate and outlined his opposition to the proposed auto bailout package.
“After reviewing the merits of this proposed package, I have reached what is for me a clear and inescapable conclusion: I cannot support this general bailout.  Instead of bringing about the real and dramatic restructuring that is needed to get these companies back on track, this plan will instead doom them to failure.
“This plan amounts to little more than a $15 billion promise from these auto companies to provide a detailed restructuring plan that is yet to come.  I will demand a fair and open amendment process and use every procedural tool available to delay and block the measure as it presently stands. 
“I won’t trivialize or minimize in any way the impact that the failure of these companies will have on thousands of American workers and their families.  I oppose this plan not in spite of those that will suffer if these companies do fail.  I oppose this plan because of that suffering, because I believe that another bailout will guarantee that these giants will fall.

“This is certainly brought home in my state, particularly in Northwest Louisiana, where we have a large GM plant employing thousands of local residents.  I am very aware of the positive impact of that plant, and I am also aware of the auto dealers, service shops and other businesses that depend on these companies.  The bottom line is that this $15 billion bridge loan is not going to solve these problems.  Only through real, dramatic restructuring can we restore these companies to prosperity,” said Vitter.

Press Releases 
Approaching Widening Bailouts with Caution 

Untitled Document

When Congress passed an unprecedented $700 billion bailout of the financial sector, I warned that it would pave the way for future bailouts, and sadly, that prediction has proven true as the Big Three American car manufacturers are asking for a $25 billion bailout.  No one wants these companies to fail, but it would be a grave mistake for the federal government to bailout these companies without fundamentally reforming their business models.

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