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Welcome to My Online Office

This site has been designed to be a resource for all residents of Florida’s 18th Congressional District to provide you with the latest information and ways in which I can help you. Please take a moment to check out my latest press releases, stop by my updated photo and video galleries, or read about the issues I am working on for you!

Information regarding the upcoming Presidential Inauguration: Tickets for the Inaugural swearing-in ceremony will be distributed in January 2009 and they are free of charge. Each Congressional office receives only a limited number of tickets for the ceremony and unfortunately, requests have now exceeded the total number of tickets available through our office. Requests will be honored in the order they were received. Please visit the Inauguration Committee’s Web site for more information on events happening around Washington during Inauguration Week at: http://inaugural.senate.gov

The DTV transition happens on February 17, 2009! Make sure that you and your family are ready by visiting www.dtv.gov/

If there is anything you are unable to find in my Online-Office please do not hesitate in contacting any of my helpful staff who will be glad to assist you.



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