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Rep. McDermott Leads House Congressional Action on India Resolution
House Co-Chair of India Caucus Pledges Strong U.S. Support for India

December 11, 2008

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At the urging of Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, and other House leaders, the U.S. House of Representatives last night passed a resolution condemning the recent attacks in Mumbai.

The House passed H. Res. 1532 by unanimous consent and Rep. McDermott said the vote demonstrated America’s strong and unwavering support for India, especially in this time of crisis:  “We spoke with one voice, as one Democratic nation to another Democratic nation, making clear our support for India and our condemnation of this unprovoked attack,” Rep. McDermott said.  “I said at the time and I say again, today we are all Indian, and we stand by your side just as you stood by America on 9/11.”  

The resolution condemns the attacks in the strongest possible language, expresses condolences to India and the people directly affected, pledges all appropriate U.S. support and assistance to aid India in pursuing the people responsible, and recognizes Pakistan’s statements and pledge to conduct a thorough investigation.  The full text of the resolution appears below.

Immediately after the attacks, Rep. McDermott personally wrote to Indian Prime Minister Singh to personally express his dismay over the attacks, and to ensure that he and all of India knew the U.S. would be a strong and faithful friend, and render any and all assistance.



Condemning the November 26, 2008, terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, and expressing sympathy to the innocent victims from India and around the world. (Introduced in House)

HRES 1532 IH


2d Session

H. RES. 1532

Condemning the November 26, 2008, terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, and expressing sympathy to the innocent victims from India and around the world.


December 9, 2008

Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York (for herself, Mr. BERMAN, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. COHEN, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. WEINER, Mr. DICKS, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. MATHESON, Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota, Mr. CARDOZA, Ms. LEE, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. MORAN of Virginia, Mr. KIRK, Mr. WU, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. HARMAN, Mr. ETHERIDGE, Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. NADLER, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Mr. HOLT, Mr. CARNEY, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. HODES, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. ROTHMAN, Mr. LINDER, Mrs. MALONEY of New York, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. MCNERNEY, and Mr. PASTOR) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


Condemning the November 26, 2008, terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, and expressing sympathy to the innocent victims from India and around the world.

Whereas, on November 26, 2008, coordinated and cowardly acts of violence were carried out throughout Mumbai, India, the country's financial capital and largest city;

Whereas teams of gunmen stormed various locations throughout Mumbai, including two prominent hotels, a local cafe, a Jewish outreach center, a hospital, a railroad station, and a cinema, shooting and torturing their victims and setting off grenades and explosives along the way;

Whereas after 60 hours of terror, these attacks were successfully brought to an end on November 29, 2008, by the Indian government;

Whereas media outlets are currently reporting hundreds of injured victims and 172 fatalities, including 6 Americans;

Whereas President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama immediately condemned the Mumbai attacks and extended their condolences and the support of the American people to all Indians;

Whereas this is the second large-scale terrorist attack in Mumbai since the July 2006 train bombings;

Whereas India has long been ravaged by similar attacks over the past few years in other large Indian cities, including Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyderabad, as well as by attacks abroad, most recently at the Indian Embassy in Kabul;

Whereas India has been a strong partner of the United States in combating violent extremism and offered immediate support to the United States after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; and

Whereas the United States> and India are both multicultural, multiethnic, multi-religious democracies that oppose terrorism in all its forms and will continue to work steadfastly to overcome terrorist ideologies and to promote international peace and security: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

(1) condemns in strongest terms the senseless and barbaric November 26, 2008, terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India;

(2) expresses its condolences to the families and friends of those individuals from India and abroad who were killed in the attacks and expresses its deepest sympathies to those individuals who have been injured;

(3) joins with President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama in expressing the solidarity of the people and Government of the United States with the people and Government of India at this difficult time;

(4) vows its support and readiness to provide all appropriate assistance and resources to the Government of India as it works to bring the terrorists responsible for the November 26, 2008, attacks to justice;

(5) expresses its desire for improved coordination between the United States and India, with the goal of combating terrorism and advancing international peace and security;

(6) rejects any effort to confuse or associate the horrific attacks on Mumbai with a particular people or faith as a whole;

(7) notes the Government of Pakistan's condemnation of the attacks and welcomes that government's call for a thorough investigation;

(8) calls upon the Government of Pakistan to--

(A) work in full cooperation with the Government of India to ensure all those responsible are brought to justice; and

(B) prevent its territory from serving as a safe-haven and training ground for terrorists; and

(9) calls upon nations around the world to renew and strengthen efforts to--

(A) defeat terrorists by dismantling terrorist networks, restricting the financing of such networks, and exposing the violent and intolerant ideology of terrorism;

(B) increase international cooperation to advance personal and religious freedoms, ethnic and racial tolerance, political liberty and pluralism, and economic prosperity;

(C) combat extremist ideology and the social injustice, oppression, and poverty that breeds terrorism; and

(D) make all appropriate international law enforcement, intelligence, and other resources available to the Government of India to support a full investigation of the horrific terror attacks according to international legal standards.



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