The Commission

Photo of Commission

(l. to r., standing) Judge Ricardo H. Hinojosa, Peter McCabe, Jeffrey P. Minear, Robin A. Lenhardt, Judge William C. Bryson, David G. Leitch, Russell Wheeler, James C. Duff
(l. to r., seated) Judge Ann C. Williams, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., Judge Barbara J. Rothstein

The Supreme Court Fellows Commission is appointed by the Chief Justice of the United States. The 2007 Commission members are:

Honorable William C. Bryson
Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

James C. Duff
Director, Administrative Office of the United States Courts

Honorable Ricardo H. Hinojosa
Chair, United States Sentencing Commission
Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas

David G. Leitch
Chair, Supreme Court Fellows Commission
General Counsel and Senior Vice-President, Ford Motor Company

Robin A. Lenhardt
Professor, Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York

Jeffrey P. Minear
Executive Director, Supreme Court Fellows Program
Counselor to the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States

Honorable Barbara Jacobs Rothstein
Director, Federal Judicial Center
Judge, United States District Court for the Western District of Washington

Russell Wheeler
President, Governance Institute and guest scholar, Brookings Institution

Honorable Ann C. Williams
Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

"I applied for the fellowship thinking that an insider’s view of the judicial branch would be helpful in the work I was then doing. The experience turned out to be so interesting that I stayed with the AO for almost five years after the fellowship ended."

Nancy G. Miller
Associate General Counsel, Peace Corps

SCFP Annual Events
February 26-27, 2009