Virginia Ferris

Professor, Nematology, Systematics and Molecular Biology
901 West State St.
West Lafayette , IN
Office Phone: 494-4609
Office Number: WSLR 126
Lab Number: WSLR 115
Office Phone: 494-4609
Fax: 494-0535
Email Address:


BSWellesley College (liberal arts, botany)
MSCornell University (Plant Pathology)
PhDCornell University (Plant Pathology)

Research Interests

Nematology and SystematicsMy research is in two distinct areas: 1) applied nematology (management of plant parasitic nematode pests) and 2) basic nematology (molecular systematics). These interests have converged on intensive study of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and the entire cyst nematode family. In the applied area, I am involved in a team project (see photo) with nematologist Dr. Jamal Faghihi, Department of Entomology; and geneticist Dr. R. A. Vierling, Indiana Crop Improvement Association. We recently developed and patented adapted soybean germ plasm (now called CystX®) with complete and broad-based resistance to SCN, no yield drag and easy recombinability with elite high yielding soybean lines. The research involved the use of molecular markers combined with rigorous phenotypic analysis and was largely supported by Indiana soybean check-off funding. We achieved a successful transfer of our technology, and commercial seed lines have entered the market place with the logo CystX® on each bag of seeds. We are now investigating the molecular mechanisms of the CystX® resistance genes.

My basic research is a long-term project in comparative genomics and phylogenetics of the plant parasitic cyst nematode family using molecular data; and has been supported by the National Science Foundation and USDA NRI. I collaborate with colleagues in the U.S., Russia, Estonia, Sweden Belgium, Italy, Israel, Australia, China, India, and other parts of the world where cyst nematodes occur. With my graduate students I am interested in using similar (but distinct) sequences of members of protein gene families for testing phylogenetic trees we have derived based on ribosomal DNA.

Courses Taught

ENTM 550Fundamentals of Nematology
ENTM 692Molecular Systematics

Professional History at Purdue

Assistant Professor, Purdue University, 1965-1970
Associate Professor, Purdue University, 1970-1974
Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Purdue University, 1971-1975
Assistant Provost, Purdue University, 1976-1979
Professor, Purdue University, 1974-

Invited Presentations (since 1990)

Invited Speaker, Symposium on Critical Issues in Biological Diversity at the IV International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB), University of Maryland, 1990; Invited speaker at Symposium on Molecular Systematics, Second International Nematology Congress. Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1990;
Invited chair and presentor of first lecture, Workshop on Systematics, 6th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 1993; Participant, NSF sponsored workship to devise feasible, cost effective protocols for an all-taxa biodiversity inventory (ATBI), 1993;
Invited participant and speaker, ESN Workshop on Cereal Cyst Nematodes, Dundee Scotland, 1998; Chair, Colloquium on Biochemical and Molecular Phylogeny, 24th International Nematology Symposium, Dundee, Scotland, 1998; Organized and chaired Symposium on Species Concepts, Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting, 1998;
Invited speaker on Systematics and Taxonomy of Nematodes, Colloquium on Historical Perspectives in Nematology, Fourth Int. Cong. of Nematology, Tenerife, Spain, 2002.

Awards and Honors

Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi
National Science Foundation Fellow; Horton-Hallowell Fellow; Shell Fellow;
Wellesley Scholar; Durant Scholar; M. W. Peterson Prize (Wellesley)
Honorary Member Mortar Board (senior women's honorary)
Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion Award (outstanding woman faculty
member at Purdue)
Honorary Member Tomahawk
Fellow, Indiana Academy of Science
Outstanding Woman Faculty Award (Associated Women Students)
Fellow, Society of Nematologists, 1985
Alumnae Achievement Award, Wellesley College, 1988
Virginia R. Ferris Annual Literary Award (named in 1998 by PU Chapter Phi Beta Kappa)
FinOvation Award for CystX® from Farm Industry News, 2000
Dean's 2001 Agriculture Team Award for CystX® technology
Named Honorary Member, Society of Nematologists, 2001

Professional Activities (since 1980)

Elected member of national Phi Beta Kappa Senate, 1979-1997 (Exec. comm. 1985-1994, Chr. Nominating Comm. 1998-2003); Member, Science Advisory Comm. to President of Wellesley College, 1985-1990; Member, Oversight Committee for Systematic Biology Program, National Science Foundation, 1985; Chairman, Honors and Awards Committee, Society of Nematologists, 1987-88 (vice-chairman, 1986-87); Representative of United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa on AAAS Section X Committee
(Science & Society), 1987–1997; Member, USDA Competitive Grants Panel for Entomology/Nematology, 1988; Chairman, Oversight Committee for NSF Systematic Biology Program, 1988; Member, CSRS review team for Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, 1989; Member, CSRS review team for Department of Nematology, University of California, Riverside, 1989; Member, NSF panel to review environmental area, 1989; Member of panel to review molecular programs of the Smithsonian Institution in Panama (Naos Marine, Laboratory, Barro Colorado Island, and Tupper Research Center, 1991; and Washington D.C. (Laboratory of Molecular Systematics in Suitland, Genetics Laboratory of the National Zoological Park, and National Museum of Natural History, 1992; Member, CSRS committee to prepare paper on Future of Nematology in the U.S.1992-1993; Member, USDA NRI proposal review panel for Enomology/Nematology, 1997; Invited participant, NSF Workshop for Systematics and Inventory of Soil Nematodes, 1997; Member, NSF grants panel, Systematic Biology, October 1999.

Selected Publications

Ferris, V. R. 1980 A science in search of a paradigm? -- Review of the symposium, "Vicariance Biogeography: A Critique". Syst. Zool. 29: 67-76.
Ferris, V. R., C. G. Goseco and J. M. Ferris. 1980. Revisions of Oxydirus and Tarjanius n. gen. in Oxydiridae, Belondiroidea (Nematoda: Dorylaimida); and Oxydiroides in Prodorylaimidae, Dorylaimoidea. Purdue Univ. Ag. Res. Bull. 965: 1-29.
Goseco, C. G., V. R. Ferris and J. M. Ferris. 1981. Sclerostylus n. gen. from Panama and other Neotropical species of Leptonchoidea (Dorylaimida). J. Nematol. 13: 79-86.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris and C. G. Goseco. 1981. Phylogenetic and Biogeographic hypotheses in Leptonchidae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) and a new classification. Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash. 48: 163-171
Ferris, V. R., C. G. Goseco and J. M. Ferris. 1981. Tarjanius Ferris, Goseco and Ferris, 1980, a junior synonym of Paraoxydirus Jairajpuri and Ahmad, 1979; and emended description of Paraoxydirus. Nematologica 27: 350-351.
McSorley, R., J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1982. Model synthesis and validation: primary consumers. pp. 141-156 In D. W. Freckman (ed.) Nematodes in Soil Ecosystems. Univ. Texas Press, Austin.
Ferris, V. R. 1982. Phylogeny, historical biogeography and the species concept in soil nematodes. pp. 143-161. In A. Stone and H. Platt, eds. Concepts in Nematode Systematics. Systematics Association (England) Special Volume. Academic Press. (Proceedings of International Symposium on Concepts in Nematode Systematics)
Georgi, L., J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1983. Population development of Pratylenchus hexincisus in eight corn inbreds. J. Nematol. 15:243-252.
Alby, T., J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1983. Dispersion and distribution of Pratylenchus scribneri and Hoplolaimus galeatus in soybean fields. J. Nematol. 418-426.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris and C. G. Goseco. 1983. Revision of Belondira and notes on Oxybelondira in Belondiridae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida). P.U. A.E.S. Research Bull. 979:1-48.
Yeates, G. W. and V. R. Ferris. 1984. Dorylaimellus egmonti n. sp. (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from Taranaki, New Zealand. N.Z. Journal of Zoology 11:137-140.
Ferris, J. M., V. R. Ferris and R. P. Esser. 1984. Nematological examination. pp. 995-1019 in A. E. Greenberg, R.R. Trussell and L. S. Clesceri, eds. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 16th edition. APHA, AWWA, WPCF.
Ferris, V. R. 1985. Evolution and biogeography of cyst- forming nematodes. OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 15:123-129.
Ferris, V. R. and J. M. Ferris. 1985. Biogeography of soil nematodes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 12:301-315.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris and L. L. Murdock. 1985. Two-dimensional protein patterns in Heterodera glycines. J. Nematol. 17:422-427.
Faghihi, J., J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1986. Heterodera glycines in Indiana: I. Reproduction of Geographical isolates on soybean differential. J. Nematol. 18:169-172.
Faghihi, J., J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1986. Heterodera glycines in Indiana: II. Morphology of geographical isolates. J. Nematol. 18:173-177.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris, L. L. Murdock and J. Faghihi. 1986. Heterodera glycines in Indiana: III. 2-D protein patterns of geographical isolates. J. Nematol. 18:177-182.
Ferris, V. R. and J. M. Ferris. 1987. Phylogenetic concepts and methods. Pages 346-353 in J. A. Veech and D. W. Dickson, eds. Vistas on Nematology. 25th anniversary volume of the Society of Nematologists.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris, L. L. Murdock and J. Faghihi. 1987. Two-dimensional protein patterns in Labronema, Aporcelaimellus and Eudorylaimus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida). Journal of Nematology 19:431-440.
Ferris, V. R. and J. M. Ferris. 1988. Phylogenetic analyses in Dorylaimida using data from 2-D protein patterns. Journal of Nematology 20:102-108
Ferris, V. R. and J. M. Ferris. 1989. Why ecologists need systematists: Importance of systematics to ecological research. J. Nematol. 21:308-314.
Ferris, V. R. , J. Faghihi, A. Ireholm, and J. M. Ferris. 1989. Two-dimensional protein patterns of cereal cyst nematodes. Phytopathology 79:927-933.
Ferris, V. R. , J. M. Ferris, and J. Faghihi. 1991. Biological diversity from the perspective of molecular biology. Pp. 71-76 in The Unity of Evolutionary Biology, E.C. Dudley, ed. Dioscorides Press.
Ferris, V.R. and J.M. Ferris. 1992. Integration of classical and molecular approaches in systematics. Pp. 92-100 in Gommers, F.J. and P. W. Th. Maas, eds., Nematology from Molecule to Ecosystem. Dekker and Huisman, Wildervank, The Netherlands.
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris and J. Faghihi. 1993. Variation in spacer ribosomal DNA in some cyst-forming species of plant parasitic nematodes. Fundamental and Applied Nematology16:172-184
Ferris, V. R., J. M. Ferris, J. Faghihi, and A. Ireholm. 1994. Comparisons of isolates of Heterodera avenae using 2-D PAGE protein patterns and ribosomal DNA. J. Nematol. 26: 144-151.
Ferris, V.R. 1994. The future of nematode systematics. Fundamental and Applied Nematology 17: 97-101.
Barker, K. R., R. (co-chair), R. S. Hussey (co-chair), L. R. Krusberg (co-chair), G. W. Bird, R. A. Dunn, H. Ferris, V. R. Ferris, D. W. Freckman, C. J. Gabriel, P. S. Grewal, A. E. MacGuidwin, D. L. Riddle, P. A. Roberts, and D. P. Schmitt. 1994. Plant and soil nematodes: Societal impact and focus for the future. J. Nematol. 26:127-137.
Ferris, V. R., L. I. Miller, J. Faghihi, and J. M. Ferris. 1995. Ribosomal DNA comparisons of Globodera from two continents. J. Nematol. 27:273-283.
Faghihi, J., R. A. Vierling, J. M. Halbrendt, V. R. Ferris, and J. M. Ferris. 1995. Resistance genes in a 'Williams 82' x 'Hartwig' soybean cross to an inbred line of Heterodera glycines. J. Nematol. 27:418-421.
Vierling, R. A., J. Faghihi, V. R. Ferris, and J. M. Ferris, 1995. Association of RFLP markers with loci conferring broad-based resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92:83-86.
Vierling, R. A., J. Faghihi, V. R. Ferris and J. M. Ferris. 1996. Association of RFLP markers with loci conferring broad-based resistance to the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). Theor. Appl. Genetics 92:83-86.
Li, J., J. Faghihi, J. M. Ferris and V. R. Ferris. 1996. The use of RAPD amplified DNA as markers for virulence characteristics in soybean cyst nematode. Fundamental and Applied Nematology 19 19:143-150.
Ferris, J. M. and V. R. Ferris. 1998. Biology of plant parasitic nematodes. Pp, 21-35 In "Plant and Nematode Interactions" .Eds. K. R. Barker, G. A. Pederson and G. L. Windham. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
Ferris, V. R., 1998. Evolution, Phylogeny and Systematics. Pp. 57-82 In "The Cyst Nematodes". Ed, S. Sharma. Chapman Press.
Ferris, V. R., 1999. Species concepts do matter in nematology. Journal of Nematology 31: 93-94.
Ferris, V. R., S. A. Subbotin, A. Ireholm, Y. Spiegel, J. Faghihi and J. Ferris. 1999. Ribosomal DNA sequence analysis of Heterodera filipjevi and H. latipons isolates from Russia and comparisons with other nematode isolates. Russian Journal of Nematology 7: 121-125.
Ferris, V. R., E. Krall, F. Faghihi and J. M. Ferris. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of Globodera millefolii, G. artemisiae, and Cactodera salina based on ITS region of ribosomal DNA. Journal of Nematology 31:498-507.
Sabo, A., N. Vovlas and V. R. Ferris. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships based on ribosomal DNA data for four species of cyst nematodes from Italy and one from Syria. Journal of Nematology 33:183-190.
Sabo, A., L. G. L. Reiss, E. Krall, M. Mundo-Ocampo, and V. R. Ferris. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of a distinct species of Globodera from Portugal and two Punctodera species. Journal of Nematology 34: (in press).
Vierling, R. A., J. Faghihi, V. R. Ferris, and J. M. Ferris. Patent Number 6,096,944, Methods for conferring broad-based soybean cyst nematode resistance to a soybean line. To Purdue Research Foundation, August 1, 2000.