Agency NEPA Procedures
This site was last updated on November 9, 2008.

Welcome to the NEPA Implementing Procedures resource. Each agency of the Federal government is required to comply with the CEQ Regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the Act, and, in consultation with CEQ, to develop their agency specific procedures to ensure that environmental information is available to the public and the agency decision makers before decisions are made and actions taken.

This resource is a compendium of Federal agency NEPA procedures. The procedures are listed alphabetically by the responsible agency. Some agencies issue their procedures as regulations, others issue them as agency guidance documents. Those that are codified as regulations appear in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Where appropriate, the CFR and Federal Register citations providing notice of the agencies NEPA procedures are provided. Please click on the hyperlinks for additional information and, where available, the full text of the procedures.

Executive Office of the President - Council on Environmental Quality
Council on Environmental Quality --- 40 CFR 1500 / 43 FR 55990

Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service --- 7 CFR Subtitle B, Part 520 / 51 FR 34191
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Environmental Services 7 CFR 372 / 60 FR 6002
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Services Natural Resources and Environmental Unit 7 CFR 3407 / 56 FR 49245
Department of Agriculture --- 7 CFR Subtitle A, Part 1b / 48 FR 11403
Economic Research Service Resource Economic Division 7 CFR 1b.4
Farms Service Agency Conservation and Env. Programs Division, Env. Activities Branch 7 CFR 799 / 45 FR 32313
Food Safety and Inspection Service Policy Evaluation and Planning 7 CFR 372
Natural Resources Conservation Service --- 7 CFR 650 / 44 FR 50579
Rural Business-Cooperative Service --- 7 CFR Part 1940 / 53 FR 36240
Rural Housing Service Program Support Staff/Technical Support Branch 7 CFR Part 1940
Rural Utilities Service Engineering and Environmental Staff 7 CFR 1794 / 63 FR 68648
U. S. Forest Service Ecosystem Management Coordination 36 CFR 220 / 73 FR 43084

Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration Compliance Review Division 48 FR 14734
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Policy Planning and Implementation Office 48 FR 14734

Department of Defense
Defense Logistics Agency Environmental Safety Policy Office
Department of Air Force Environmental Planning, Education and Training 32 CFR 989 / 64 FR 38127
Department of Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 33 CFR 230
Department of Army Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health 32 CFR 651 / 65 FR 54348
Department of Defense Environmental Security-EQ 32 CFR 188
Department of Navy U.S. Marine Corps
Department of Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations 32 CFR 775 / 64 FR 37069
Department of Navy Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Environment and Safety 32 CFR 775 / 64 FR 37069

Department of Energy
Office of Environment, Safety and Health Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance 10 CFR 1021 / 61 FR 64603

Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Health and Human Services ---
Food and Drug Administration Office of Science 21 CFR 25 / 65 FR 30352
Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program, Engineering/Environmental Branch 58 FR 569
National Institute of Health --- 65 FR 2977
Office of Facility Services --- 45 CFR 76519 / 65 FR 10230
The Centers for Disease Control --- 65 FR 10230

Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security ---
Federal Emergency Management Agency --- 44 CFR Part CFR
U.S Coast Guard ---

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Viability --- 24 CFR 50 / 53 FR 11224

Department of Interior
Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance 69 FR 10865
Bureau of Indian Affairs --- 53 FR 10439
Bureau of Land Management Planning, Assessment, and Community Support
Bureau of Reclamation ---
Minerals Management Service Environmental Assessment Branch
National Park Service Environmental Quality Division
Office of Surface Mining ---
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ---
U.S. Geological Survey Environmental Affairs Program

Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Agency Civil Litigation Section (CCL) 28 CFR 61, Appendix B
Environment and Natural Resources Division General Litigation Section 28 CFR 61
Federal Bureau of Prisons Site Selection and Environmental Review Branch 28 CFR 61, Apendix A / 63 FR 11120
Immigration and Naturalization Service Headquarters, Facilities Office 28 CFR 61, Appendix C
Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics --- 28 CFR 61, Appendix D
Office of Justice Programs Office of General Counsel 28 CFR 61

Department of Labor
Mine Safety and Health Administration Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances 29 CFR 11
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Directorate of Safety Standards Programs

Department of State
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Environmental Policy 22 CFR 161 / 44 FR 65560

Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration Office of Environment and Energy 64 FR 55526
Federal Aviation Administration Office of Environment and Energy (AEE-300) 45 FR 2244
Federal Highway Administration Office of NEPA Facilitation 23 CFR 771 / 65 FR 33960
Federal Railroad Administration Office of Policy and Program Development 64 FR 28545
Federal Transit Administration Office of Planning (TPL-22) 49 CFR 622
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Environmental Preservation and Systems Modernization Office
Maritime Administration Office of Environmental Activities
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration General Law 49 CFR 520
Office of Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy --- 44 FR 56420
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation ---
Surface Transportation Board Environmental Analysis Section 49 CFR 1105
U.S. Coast Guard (Headquarters) Environmental Management Division (G-SEC-3) 50 FR 32944

Department of Treasury
Office of Asset Management Environment and Planning 45 FR 1828

Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Facilities Quality Service --- 38 CFR 26

Independent Agencies
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Office of Planning and Review 36 CFR 805 / 64 FR 27044
Appalachian Regional Commission Program Operations Division
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ---
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled ---
Delaware River Basin Commission --- 18 CFR 401
Export-Import Bank of the United States --- 12 CFR 408
Farm Credit Administration Office of General Counsel
Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 47 CFR
Federal Communications Commission Mass Media Bureau 47 CFR
Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology 47 CFR
Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Bureau 47 CFR
Federal Communications Commission --- 47 CFR 1
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Health, Safety & Environmental Programs Unit/Administration Division/Corporate Services Branch
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Office of Pipeline Regulation/Environmental and Engineering Review and Compliance Branch II 18 CFR 2.80, 380 / 64 FR 26572
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Office of Energy Projects 18 CFR 380 / 64 FR 26572
Federal Maritime Commission --- 46 CFR 504
Federal Trade Commission Litigation 16 CFR 1
General Services Administration Public Buildings Service 65 FR 69558
International Boundary and Water Commission, US & Mexico Engineering Department, United States Section 48 FR 44083
Marine Mammal Commission --- 50 CFR 530
Millenium Challenge Corporation ---
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environmental Management Division 14 CFR 1216 / 53 FR 9759
National Capital Planning Commission Office of Plans Review 47 FR 51481
National Credit Union Administration Division of Operations/Office of General Counsel
National Indian Gaming Commission ---
National Science Foundation Office of General Counsel 45 CFR 640; 641
Overseas Private Investment Corporation Investment Development Department 44 FR 51385
Presidio Trust Legal/Compliance 36 CFR 1010 / 65 FR 55896
Securities and Exchange Commission Office of Public Utility Regulation
Small Business Administration Office of Financial Assistance
Tennessee Valley Authority Environmental Policy and Planning 48 FR 19264
U.S. Access Board ---
U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination 22 CFR 216
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Directorate for Health Sciences
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Federal Activities 40 CFR 6
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of State and Tribal Programs 10 CFR 51 / 64 FR 48496
U.S. Postal Service Headquarters --- 39 CFR 775 / 65 FR 41011
Valles Caldera Trust --- 68 FR 42460
Water Resources Council --- 18 CFR 707

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