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National Association of Extension 4-H Agents

NAE4-HA logo
adults with young people


2008 Impact Report

2008 Donors

4-Hers Combat Global Climate Change

Congratulations 2008 NAE4-HA Award Winners!

Welcome to the web site for the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents—the professional's organization for those dedicated to promoting, strengthening, enhancing and advocating for the 4-H youth development profession.

The National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA) is an internationally recognized, non-profit, non-partisan association of professional youth development educators. NAE4-HA is one of the largest professional associations for youth development workers with a diverse membership of nearly 3600 youth development professionals.

Founded in 1946, NAE4-HA helps 4-H youth development educators build professional and personal competencies by:

NAE4-HA provides an extensive range of member services, including professional development opportunities, recognition and awards, scholarships and professional development grants, networking with other youth development organizations, and leadership for research related to the youth development profession.

This web site has been designed to provide timely and relevant information to you, our association members. If you are not currently a member of NAE4-HA, we encourage you to join with us and hope that the information on this web site will provide you with an indication of the exciting work in which we are involved and the benefits of NAE4-HA membership. We hope you'll join with us.

We're glad you came to visit. Please visit us often. And if you need to speak with someone about joining NAE4-HA, please call the headquarters office at: 1-704-333-3234.

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