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The Sustainable Agriculture Team
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The goal of the Sustainable Agriculture Team is to coordinate and enhance research, teaching and education outreach efforts on behalf of the University in the area of sustainable agriculture. Research and outreach efforts have currently impacted several commodity areas in Ohio including agronomic crops, vegetable and fruit production, animal industry, greenhouse, floriculture, forages, organic, and sustainable enterprises.

This multidisciplinary team consists of more than 40 researchers, educators, and students from various departments/units across the University, Agricultural Technical Institute, and county Extension Offices in Ohio. This team develops solutions for farm profitability, food quality, and economic sustainability of agriculture in Ohio.

The team meets regularly to discuss and collaborate on projects, new initiatives, funding opportunities, joint educational and research events, and sharing of resources. A select group of specialists involved on the team meet more regularly throughout the year on important issues that need addressed for specific projects and education programs.

An electronic mailing list was established to allow audiences interested in direct marketing to receive news, information, and information from the team and other sources. Subscribe here.



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Copyright by The Ohio State University 2004.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
, OSU Extension, OARDC, ATI, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences.