U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


Library Tools and Special Services
Frequently Asked Questions

Information Bridge MARC Records FAQ

  1. How are the Information Bridge MARC records created? Is there a file of these records?
  2. What do the Information Bridge MARC records need for them to be loaded in my library’s catalog?
  3. Are the numbers in the 001 field OCLC numbers?
  4. Are Library of Congress subject headings used?
  5. How are personal names handled?
  6. How are corporate names handled?
  7. How are technical report numbers used?
  8. What is the date in the 500 field?
  9. Does the Information Bridge include journal articles?
  10. When downloading MARC records, what is the "# Records" box used for?
  11. When older AEC and DOE reports are digitized by OSTI and added to the Information Bridge, will MARC records be made available?
  12. How often are records added to the collection? Is there a way libraries can be notified if new records are added?
  13. Do you ever update the existing records?
  14. Do you ever delete records from the Information Bridge? Is there a way to notify those who have downloaded the records that a title is no longer available?
  15. How can I download a record for a specific title that I want?
  1. How are the Information Bridge MARC records created? Is there a file of these records?
    The Information Bridge MARC records are generated by a program that translates the existing Information Bridge records into MARC format. This translation occurs when the records are downloaded. A separate file of the Information Bridge MARC records does not exist. Changes made to where data is placed in the MARC record are made to the translation program rather than to individual records.

  2. What do the Information Bridge MARC records need for them to be loaded in my library’s catalog?
    The Information Bridge MARC records do not have the local holdings information contained in the 049 field. This information is used by many library systems to apply the appropriate parameters to each record as it is loaded. There are several ways to get this information into the records. Prior to loading, a MARC editor can be used to enter the appropriate holding code into the 049 field. A loader can be created that inserts the appropriate holding code into the records as they are loaded. After loading, the records can be rapid updated to add the holding code.

  3. Are the numbers in the 001 field OCLC numbers?
    No, these numbers are not OCLC numbers. The numbers in the 001 field are OSTI ID numbers that can also be searched in the Information Bridge or Energy Citations Database. To avoid conflicts with the OCLC numbers used in library catalogs, the OSTI ID number in the 001 field is preceded by the letters “OST.” Some loaders for library catalogs strip out the leading letters found in the 001 field. If such a loader is used with the Information Bridge MARC records, unrelated records may be overlain. It is possible to leave in the leading alpha characters and add a number to the string to allow the system to import the letters.

  4. Are Library of Congress subject headings used?
    Library of Congress subject headings are not used. The 650 \4 fields contain the subject categories and descriptors used by OSTI. Keywords are placed in the 653 field. While these subject terms may not be indexed in some library catalog subject heading searches, they should work in keyword searches. Many systems do not support keyword access to 650 _4 nor to the 653 fields. Libraries might consider changing 650 headings to 690s, (local subject added entry – topical term) if that will achieve keyword indexing in the local catalog.

  5. How are personal names handled?
    OSTI is not able to perform authority work on the personal names of the authors of reports in the Information Bridge. For this reason, personal names are placed in the 720 field – added entry – uncontrolled name. However, OSTI is aware that many libraries do not support the 720 field. In many cases, the 720 data is not loaded and/or does not display in library catalogs. Since personal names can be very important in identifying specific technical reports, the personal names placed in the 720 field are duplicated in a 500 field.

    Personal names appear in all variations. The name may be in direct order or it may be inverted. In some cases the full name is used and in others only the first initial and last name are used.

  6. How are corporate names handled?
    Corporate names include the sponsoring agency (the agency funding the report) and the research agency (the agency doing the research and writing the report). As the distributor of the DOE reports through the Information Bridge, OSTI is listed as the distributor. If the format of the corporate name in the Information Bridge record matches the LC Name Authority database, the corporate name is placed in the 710 field – added entry – corporate name. Otherwise the corporate name is placed in the 720 field – added entry – uncontrolled name. However, OSTI is aware that many libraries do not support the 720 field. In many libraries, the 720 data is not loaded and/or does not display in library catalogs. Since corporate names can be very important in identifying specific technical reports, the corporate names placed in the 720 field are duplicated in a 500 field.

  7. How are technical report numbers used?
    Report numbers are very important in identifying technical reports. Technical reports can often have similar titles and descriptions. Identifying a specific technical report is often best done using the technical report number. The technical report number and other identifying numbers are placed in the 088 field. Since this is a field that often does not display in library catalogs, the report number is duplicated in the 500 field.

  8. What is the date in the 500 field?
  9. Technical reports with the same title can be issued as interim and final reports or as periodic reports covering a specific time period. Unrelated reports can also have similar titles. The date a report is published can be very important in identifying a specific report. For this reason, the month, day and year a report is issued is included in a 500 field.

  10. Does the Information Bridge include journal articles?
    The Information Bridge does not index journal articles. However, some journal articles written by DOE employees and contractors are issued as preprints. These preprints can appear in the Information Bridge. If the journal name, issue and date appear in the Information Bridge record, this information will be placed in a 500 field.

  11. When downloading MARC records, what is the "# Records" box used for?
    Some systems do not perform well loading or downloading large files of records. Many libraries have established limits on the number of records that can be loaded at one time. If, for example, a file contains 6557 records and you want to load in batches of 3000, enter “3000” in the # Records box. Clicking on the Create Download Links button will create links to two files containing 3000 and one containing 557.

    The number of records in a subject category will be displayed when the category is selected. To determine the number of records in a year, enter the desired year on the Download MARC Records by Year page. Click on the Create Download Links button and the number of records will be displayed. If smaller files are desired, reenter the year and enter the number of records desired.

  12. When older AEC and DOE reports are digitized by OSTI and added to the Information Bridge, will MARC records be made available?
    Yes. Records for older reports newly added to the Information Bridge will be included in your new records update.

  13. How often are records added to the collection? Is there a way libraries can be notified if new records are added?
    Records are added to the Information Bridge twice a week. You can receive weekly automated notices of new records by registering for the Information Bridge Alerts. In the Search Terms box, enter the subject category preceded by the subject category number; all enclosed in double quotes (i.e. "09 biomass fuels"). The subject category number can be found at http://www.osti.gov/dataexplorer/subjcats.html. Using the subject category number will eliminate false hits from the free text search.

    The other option is to download new records on a monthly basis or another regular interval. To download new records, enter the date of your last download in the box on the bottom half of the download screen. Clicking on the Create Download Link button will tell you the number of new records and create the link to download the new records.

  14. Do you ever update the existing records?
    Existing records are occasionally updated, although this is a fairly rare occurrence. Updating an existing record will change the record's system entry date and the revised record will be included in your next new records download.

  15. Do you ever delete records from the Information Bridge? Is there a way to notify those who have downloaded the records that a title is no longer available?
    Records are occasionally suppressed from the Information Bridge. When this happens, the record's PURL will return an error message. The vast majority of the suppressed records will eventually be returned to the Information Bridge with the same PURL. At this time, OSTI does not have a mechanism for informing the public when records are suppressed.

  16. How can I download a record for a specific title that I want?
    Choose the option to download by OSTI ID number. You can determine the OSTI ID number by searching your title in the Information Bridge.