Publications Links

SAA Publications

SAA produces a number of high-quality publications such as our quarterly journals and newsletters, and books published by The SAA Press. (Order books online at The SAA Press.)

  • American Antiquity
    A quarterly journal devoted to the archaeology of the New World, method and theory pertinent to the study of New World archaeology, and closely related subjects.
  • Archaeology and Public Education
    Internet based newsletter posted four times a year: Spring (Mar 1), Summer (June 1), Fall (Sept 1), and Winter (Dec 1). The newsletter features information on becoming involved in archaeology, including archaeology programs, workshops and conferences, archaeology week celebrations, and field work opportunities. It also provides news on archaeology, Internet links, and book releases.
  • Archaeology & You
  • current research
    In addition to printed materials, SAA also maintains data from current research and prints special reports and memoirs.
  • E-tiquity
    An irregular serial published online and devoted to scholarship in archaeology.
    SAA is pleased to announce the full-text, online version of Latin American Antiquity 1990-2006 and American Antiquity 1935-2006.
  • Latin American Antiquity
    A quarterly journal devoted to the special reports on archaeology, prehistory, and ethnohistory in Mesoamerica, Central America, and South America, and culturally related areas.
  • Oaxaca as a Case Study
    SAA has prepared a web translation of the book The Management of Archaeological Resources in Mexico: Oaxaca as a Case Study by Nelly M. Robles Garcia, translation by Jack Corbett.
  • The SAA Archaeological Record
    First Issue January, 2001. The SAA Archaeological Record substitutes The SAA Bulletin.
  • SAA Bulletin
    View past issues, 1995-2000.
  • SAA Editorial Policy and Style Guide

  • The SAA Press
  • Teaching Archaeology: A Sampler…

Last Modified: Wednesday January 14 2009