Budget Presentations

2009-10 Budget for Current Operations, Summary of the Budget Request, Regents Meeting - Vice President for Budget Patrick J. Lenz, November 19, 2008 (pdf)

2009-10 Budget for State Capital Improvements, Regents Meeting - Vice President for Budget Patrick J. Lenz, November 18, 2008 (pdf)

Discussion of the 2009-10 Budget Issues, Regents Meeting - Vice President for Budget Patrick J. Lenz, July 16, 2008 (pdf)

Approval of Proposed Increases in Student Fees for 2008-09, Regents Meeting - Vice President for Budget Patrick J. Lenz, May 14, 2008 (pdf)

2008-09 Budget for Current Operations Update and Discussion, Regents Meeting - Wyatt R. Hume, Provost and Executive Vice President and Patrick J. Lenz, Vice President for Budget, March 19, 2008 (pdf)

2008-09 Budget for Current Operations Discussion of Governor's Budget Proposal, Regents Meeting - Executive Vice President Katherine Lapp, January 17, 2008

2008-09 Budget for Current Operations, Summary of the Budget Request, Regents Meeting - Executive Vice President Katherine Lapp, November 14, 2007 (pdf) (ppt)

Discussion of Tradeoffs for the University's 2008-09 Budget, Regents Meeting - Executive Vice President Katherine Lapp, September 20, 2007 (pdf)

Preliminary Discussion of the University’s 2008-09 Budget and
Initial Planning for New Process to Develop the 2009-10 Budget
, Regents Meeting - Executive Vice President Katherine Lapp, July 18, 2007 (pdf)

2007-08 Budget Presentation, Senate hearing - U.C. President Robert C. Dynes, March 27, 2007 (pdf)

2007-08 Budget Presentation, Assembly hearing - U.C. President Robert C. Dynes, March 6, 2007 (pdf)

2007-08 Budget Presentation Regents Meeting - VP Larry Hershman, November 15-16, 2006 (Handouts: pdf ppt)

2006-07 Budget Presentation, Senate hearing - U.C. President Robert C. Dynes, March 27, 2006 (pdf)

2006-07 Budget Presentation, Assembly hearing - U.C. President Robert C. Dynes, March 7, 2006 (pdf)

2006-07 Budget Presentation Regents Meeting - VP Larry Hershman, November 16-17, 2005 (Handouts - pdf)

Long-Range Planning - Regents Meeting, September 21, 2005 (PowerPoint presentation - please click on each slide to view transition graphics)

2005-06 Budget Presentation, Senate hearing - U.C. President Robert C. Dynes, February 2005

A Universitywide Perspective (Business Officer Institute and the Academic Business Officers Group) - AVP Jerry Kissler,November 30, 2004 (PowerPoint presentation - please click on each slide to view transition graphics)

2005-06 Budget Presentation Regents Meeting - VP Larry Hershman, November 17-18, 2004 (pdf)





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