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Avoid Mall Belly When Holiday Shopping
The holidays mark the season of shopping and eating as shoppers rush to the mall to buy gifts. Malls are popular not just for the merchandise they carry but for the many restaurants and snack shops they offer.

Workable Plan Needed To Keep New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution
A New Year’s resolution for many Americans is to lose weight. Unfortunately, many Americans are unable to keep that resolution.

Don’t Be Afraid; Take Action To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
The average American only gains 1 pound during the holidays, but most people will keep the extra weight during the next year.

Make That 8 Fries, Please

Eating only 100 more calories a day than you burn can lead to a weight gain of 10 pounds a year. With today’s larger portions, it’s easy to consume 100 extra calories, and more, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.

Weight Loss Methods Series
Weight Loss Methods
When someone is overweight and is motivated to lose weight, there are safe and effective methods to lose pounds and to maintain weight loss. An LSU AgCenter and Pennington Biomedical Research Center Nutrition Series.
As Few As 100 Calories A Day Affects Weight Gain Or Loss
Many people likely think that excessive eating and zero exercise are the sole culprits for weight gain. The reality is that as few as 100 calories a day can make a major difference in weight gain or loss.
Weight Loss Is Wrong Goal In Dieting
Millions of Americans are on the latest fad diets to lose weight. The problem is, most of these diets don’t provide lasting results, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Don't Let A Day Of Shopping Ruin Your Diet
The holidays mark the season of shopping and eating. Busy shoppers may eat many meals at the mall. LSU AgCenter nutritionist, Dr. Beth Reames says to be sure and put something in your stomach before hitting the shops.
Not All Fats Bad
In an attempt to lose weight, some people try to eliminate all fats and oils from their diets. That’s a mistake, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Ways to Drop 100 Calories a Day
A few hundred calories here, a few hundred calories there and pretty soon those pounds start creeping up. If you could trim just 100 calories a day from your diet, you’d be on your way to arresting that growing waistline, according to LSU AgCenter food and nutrition professor Dr. Annrose Guarino.
Think Portions, Not Helpings, Advises LSU AgCenter Nutritionist
(Distributed August 2004) Eating only 100 additional calories daily beyond your needs can lead to a weight gain of 10 pounds a year. With today’s larger serving sizes, it’s easy to consume 100 extra calories, and even more, warns LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Higher-fiber Foods Help Prevent Weight Gain, According To LSU AgCenter Nutritionist
produce market
(Distributed September 2004) Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, reduced-fat dairy products and whole grains may help control weight, according to LSU Agricultural Center nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Chancellor's Challenge