FR Doc 06-2405
[Federal Register: March 14, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 49)]
[Page 13111-13112]
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Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance: Hearing

AGENCY: Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, Education.


otice of upcoming hearing.

SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a 
forthcoming hearing of the Advisory committee on Student Financial 
Assistance. Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability 
in order to attend the hearing (i.e., interpreting services, assistive 
listening devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should 
notify the Advisory Committee no later than Tuesday, March 28, 2006, by 
contacting Ms. Hope Gray at (202) 219-2099 or via e-mail at We will attempt to meet requests after this date, but 

cannot guarantee availability of the requested accommodation. The 
hearing site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This 
notice also describes the functions of the Advisory Committee. Notice 
of this hearing is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the general 

Date and Time: Tuesday, April 4, 2006, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending 
at approximately 5 p.m.

ADDRESSES: The Washington Court Hotel, 525 New Jersey Avenue, NW., 
Executive Room, Lower Lobby Level, Washington DC 20001.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Nicole A. Barry, Deputy Director, 
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, Capitol Place, 80 F 
Street, NW., Suite 413, Washington DC 20202-7582, (202) 219-2099.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Advisory Committee on Student Financial 
Assistance is established under Section 491 of the Higher Education Act 
of 1965 as amended by Public Law 100-50 (20 U.S.C. 1098). The Advisory 
Committee serves as an independent source of advice and counsel to the 
Congress and the Secretary of Education on student financial aid 
policy. Since its inception, the congressional mandate requires the 
Advisory Committee to conduct objective, nonpartisan, and independent 
analyses on important aspects of the student assistance programs under 
Title IV of the Higher Education Act, and to make recommendations that 
will result in the maintenance of access to postsecondary education for 
low- and middle income students. In addition, Congress expanded the 
Advisory Committee's mission in the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 
to include several important areas: Access, Title IV modernization, 
distance education, and early information and needs assessment. 
Specifically, the Advisory Committee is to review, monitor and evaluate 
the Department of Education's progress in these areas and report 
recommended improvements to Congress and the Secretary.
    The Advisory Committee has scheduled the hearing on Tuesday, April 
4 in Washington, DC to launch its new Study on Innovative Pathways to 
Baccalaureate Degree Attainment (Innovative Pathways Study). This 
three-year initiative, which was originally included in the Senate's 
HEA reauthorization bill, will identify creative programs and 
strategies designed to increase the likelihood that students from low- 
and moderate-income families attain a baccalaureate degree. The 
Advisory Committee will focus on ways to eliminate major academic, 
institutional, and financial barriers facing students and families from 
middle school through college. Over the course of the study, the 
Committee will produce a series of reports that highlight promising 
approaches to ensure that students who aspire to such a degree move 
through the access and persistence pipeline in an efficient, effective, 
and timely manner. These reports will be designed to encourage federal, 
state, and institutional policymakers to embrace best practices that, 
over time, will narrow income-related gaps in degree completion.
    The proposed agenda includes expert testimony and discussions by 
policymakers and representatives from state agencies, institutions, and 
early intervention programs who will address: (a) Innovative pathways 
in middle school and high school designed to increase low- and 
moderate-income students' chances of attaining a baccalaureate degree, 
(b) promising strategies for improving the transition from high school 
to college, including credit-based transition and dual enrollment 
programs, and (c) programs in higher education designed to increase the 
number of low- and moderate-income students that attain a bachelor's 
degree, including those programs to increase the rate of transfer and 
articulation from two-year to four-year institutions. The Advisory 
Committee will also conduct a roundtable discussion among Committee 
members and panelists on the Innovative Pathways Study, followed by a 
public comment session.
    The Advisory Committee invites the public to submit written 
comments on the Innovative Pathways Study to the following e-mail 
address: Information 
regarding the Innovative Pathways 
Study will also be available on the Advisory Committee's Web site, We must 
receive your comments on or before 

April 3, 2006 to be included in the hearing materials; additional 
comments should be provided to the Committee no later than June 30, 
    Space for the hearing is limited and you are encourage to register 
early if you plan to attend. You may register by sending an e-mail to 
the following address: 

Please include your name, title, affiliation, complete address 
(including internet and e-mail, if available), and telephone and fax 
numbers. If your are unable to register electronically, you may fax 
your registration information to the Advisory Committee staff office at 
(202) 219-3032. You may also contact the Advisory Committee staff 
directly at (202) 219-2099. The registration deadline is Wednesday, 
March 29, 2006.
    Records are kept for Advisory Committee proceedings, and are

[[Page 13112]]

available for inspection at the Office of the Advisory Committee on 
Student Financial Assistance, Capitol Place, 80 F Street, NW.--Suite 
413, Washington, DC from the hours of 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday 
through Friday, except Federal holidays. Information regarding the 
Advisory Committee is available on the Committee's Web site,

    Dated: March 8, 2006.
Dr. William J. Goggin,
Executive Director, Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance.
[FR Doc. 06-2405 Filed 3-13-06; 8:45 am]