Welcome to UC Day 2009

UC Day 2009 will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 10, 2009,
in Sacramento.

The University of California Alumni Day began in the 1950s as a unique occasion for UC graduates to join together in Sacramento and share with elected officials and other UC friends what makes a University of California education so special. More than fifty years later, it continues to be an annual celebration that brings together the University of California family of alumni, stakeholders and friends to share their UC story with California's elected officials in Sacramento.

Just as in 1950, the University of California continues to yield a tremendous return on investment for California taxpayers. For every $1 of tax money invested California public higher education, California's economy receives a $3 net return on investment. For every $1 in research funding provided by the State of California, UC secures $6 more in federal and private research dollars - an extremely successful leveraging. And UC research has an impact on the daily lives of all Californians: The highway bridges we drive on are more resistant to earthquakes because of UC research. Everyday devices like the CD player and the bar code scanner have their roots in UC research. And UC researchers are developing new technologies to enhance energy efficiency, improve the lives of people suffering from disease, and drive new waves of economic growth for California.

Making the Case for UC

Now more than ever, your support of the University is critical to making the case for the UC to California's elected leaders. Click the image below to view a video message from President Yudof about the realities of the UC budget situation, and how UC can help lead the state out of its financial difficulties through innovation and the development of human capital:

UC President Mark Yudof

About UC Day

UC Day now draws more than 300 alumni, students and friends of the University of California. It is not only a day for graduates of the ten campuses of the UC system to reconnect, but a day to renew old friendships and forge new ones. At the same time, the UC family comes together to share the story of UC's contributions to California with our state's elected officials.

UC Day this year will feature a luncheon hosted by the Alumni Associations of the University of California (AAUC), where UC President Mark G. Yudof will address the AAUC for the first time since becoming president of the UC system in June 2008. Later in the day, the UC Day Reception will include formal recognition of those who have made special contributions to supporting the University of California.

Details on other events under development will be announced in February 2009.