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Common Farm-Raised Baitfish
[Image: Common Farm-Raised Baitfish]

The three main fish species raisedfor bait in the southern region are the golden shiner, the fathead minnow, and the goldfish. Together, these three species account for more than 90 percent of farm-raised bait and feeder fish sales in the United States.

Baitfish: Feeds and Feeding Practices
[Image: Feeds and Feeding Practices]

The terms “baitfish” and “feeder fish” encompass a number of distinct species, each with its own nutritional requirements. Economic analyses clearly indicate that a feeding program is necessary for maximizing profit.

Feeding Practices for Baitfish
[Image: Feeding Practices for Baitfish]

The high fish densities demanded by the market effectively reduce the availability of natural foods for individual fish. Thus, intensively cultured fish are generally fed prepared feeds to support maximum growth.

Baitfish Production: Enterprise Budget
[Image: Enterprise Budget]

The baitfish industry is the fourth largest aquaculture industry in the United States in dollar sales. Yet, little work has been done on the economics of this important industry. This budget is based on recommended management practices and conservative estimates of yield, prices and cost.

Watershed Fish Production Ponds: Guide to Site Selection and Construction [Image: Watershed Fish Production Ponds]
To be profitable, an aquaculture pond must be sited properly and designed for efficiency. An inaccessible location, leaks in the pond, poor seining conditions, or lack of good quality water will doom an aquaculture enterprise to failure.
Construction of Levee Ponds for Commercial Catfish Production [Image: Construction of Levee-Type Commercial]
Proper design and construction of ponds is critical to the success of a commercial catfish operation. Well-designed ponds, constructed on soil with proper clay content and adequate water supply, have a useful life of at least 10 years.
Site Selection of Levee-Type Fish Production Ponds [Image: Site Selection of Levee-Type Fish Production Ponds]
Considerable thought and planning should go into selecting sites for commercial fish production ponds. Construction costs, ease and cost of operation, and productivity can be greatly affected by the site selected.