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Breeding and Egg Incubation
[Image: Breeding and Egg Incubation]

Alligator farming requires specific culture techniques and specialized knowledge on the part of the producer. The commercial production of alligators can be divided into 3 phases: 1) management of adult alligators, 2) egg collection, incubation and hatching, 3) grow-out of juvenile alligators to market size. PDF Only

Grow-out and Harvest
[Image: Grow-out and Harvest]

Alligator production in environmentally controlled houses is similar in intensity to production in poultry and swine houses. As with any highly intensified agriculture activity, alligator farming has a high degree of risk and demands special management skills. PDF Only

LSU Alligator Research and Extension Contacts
Alligator Contacts Within the LSU Agricultural Center and LSU Baton Rouge Campus

LSU Alligator Research & Extension Activities
[Image: Alligator]

The annual harvest of wild alligators and the collection of eggs from the wild are important aspects that contribute to the sustainability of the resource. Because these reptiles have a commercial value, landowners are more apt to protect the resource on their land and also protect the habitat that produces this resource.

International Rice Scientists, Industry Representatives Gather In New Orleans [Image: Rice Research]
NEW ORLEANS – A four-day international gathering of more than 400 rice scientists and agricultural industry representatives came to a close Wednesday (March 3).
Federal Grants Help Fund Aquaculture Research [Image: Crawfish]
Nine aquaculture research projects recently received nearly $293,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The grants will be used to support research with catfish, crawfish, hybrid striped bass, alligator and freshwater drum.
