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Agent Name Morpholine
CAS Number 110-91-8
Formula C4-H9-N-O
Major Category Nitrogen Compounds
Synonyms 1-Oxa-4-azacyclohexane; 2H-1,4-Oxazine, tetrahydro-; 4H-1,4-Oxazine, tetrahydro-; Diethylene imidoxide; Diethylene oximide; Diethyleneimide oxide; Diethylenimide oxide; Drewamine; Morpholine; Tetrahydro-1,4-isoxazine; Tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine; Tetrahydro-2H-1,4-oxazine; Tetrahydro-p-oxazine; p-Isoxazine, tetrahydro-; [ChemIDplus] UN2054
Category Amines, Heterocyclic
Description Colorless liquid with a weak, ammonia- or fish-like odor. [Note: A solid below 23 degrees F.]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used as a solvent for resins, waxes, casein and dyes; morpholine compounds are used as emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, antioxidants, plasticizers, pesticides, antiseptics, etc. [Merck Index # 6277]
Comments Liver damage is prominent in animals exposed to high concentrations. Skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, but no chronic health effects, were reported after occupational exposure. [ACGIH] Corrosive to skin; [Quick CPC] A corrosive substance that can cause pulmonary edema; [ICSC]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Yes
TLV (ACGIH) 20 ppm
PEL (OSHA) 20 ppm
MAK 10 ppm
IDLH (NIOSH) 1400 ppm
Excerpts from Documentation for IDLHs Other animal data: No deaths resulted from exposures of 6 rats to 8,000 ppm for 8 hours [Smyth et al. 1954]. Human data: Irritation of the nose has been reported after a 1�minute exposure to 12,000 ppm and coughing started after 1.5 minutes; it was suggested that this concentration would probable be intolerable for long periods [Shea 1939].
Vapor Pressure 10.1 mm Hg
Odor Threshold Low 0.01 ppm
Odor Threshold High 0.07 ppm
Lethal Concentration LC50 (rats) = 8,000 ppm/8H
Explanatory Notes IDLH =10% LEL; Detection odor threshold from AIHA (mean = 0.011 ppm); Flash point = 38 deg C;
Flammability (NFPA) 3: may ignite at ambient temperature
Adverse Effects
Toxic Pneumonitis Yes
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
IARC Carcinogen Not Classifiable
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: MORPHOLINE  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008