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Strengthening the Nonprofit Sector

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Innovation Snapshot

More than 30,000 nonprofit leaders have attended the 2-day "The Art and Science of Grant Writing Training," offered 288 times across the U.S. since 2004.

More than 4,100 grassroots nonprofits have received funding and training to expand services to the needy through the Compassion Capital Fund’s Demonstration Project.  In a recent study, 90% reported the program "improved level or quality of services they deliver to the needy."


Central to the Faith-Based and Community Initiative’s (FBCI) mission is the work of strengthening America’s nonprofit sector—what President Bush calls the “armies of compassion”—to more effectively address their communities’ needs.  Organizations vary as much as people—each with their unique strengths and weaknesses, organizational culture, and distinct needs. The FBCI’s efforts to strengthen nonprofit organizations takes on forms as diverse as the organizations it serves.

Outreach and Training Events
The FBCI has delivered in-person training to more than 100,000 social entrepreneurs, building skills that help organizations maximize impact for the people they serve.

Results of Capacity Building
The ability of nonprofits to effectively meet their communities’ needs has been expanded through programs like the Compassion Capital Fund, which has awarded $264 million in small grants to more than 5,000 small nonprofit organizations to enhance programs that serve the needy.  

Technology-based Tools and Training
To meet the needs of nonprofit organizations in the most cost effective way, the FBCI employs technology-based information and training, including e-courses, webinars, and teleconferences.

Strengthening Services
In addition to general skills of use to all nonprofit organizations, training has also been provided focused on specific human needs. Many of these initiatives also help nonprofit organizations work more closely with local government on high-need issues. 

Private Strategies
The FBCI promotes strategies that encourage individuals and corporations to become more engaged in addressing human need. These range from tax policies that stimulate giving to development of public-private partnerships that enable economic growth in impoverished communities to promotion of volunteerism.