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Key Reports

Since the Federal Faith-Based and Community Initiative was established in 2001, the FBCI has released a number of key reports that describe how the FBCI has enabled Federal partnerships and highlight the role of FBCOs actively serving individuals in need.

Unlevel Playing Field Report

In 2001, the WHOFBCI released a report summarizing the results of the findings from the 180 audits of five Federal agencies. This report described the barriers—both institutional and structural—that led to the unlevel playing field for faith-based organizations seeking to partner with Federal and State government. This report outlines the environment in which the FBCI began its work to enable the Federal government to partner with FBCOs.

The Quiet Revolution Report

On February 25, 2008, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives announced the release of a report entitled "The Quiet Revolution." This report offers the first-ever comprehensive analysis of the successful implementation of President Bush’s vision for the Faith-Based and Community Initiative. Although often working behind the scenes, the FBCI has reshaped the way government approaches grassroots organizations targeting human services needs.

The Quiet Revolution: The President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative:
A Seven-Year Progress Report

The Quiet Revolution report cover
(Entire Report in PDF 3.05MB)


Compassion in Action Roundtables

The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives convened monthly Compassion in Action Roundtables that are described in the following reports. The Roundtables were designed to capture and highlight unique and innovative approaches to addressing critical social needs.



January 16, 2007

Grassroots Solutions for Reducing Youth Violence

February 15, 2007

Solutions to Control Malaria in Africa: The Unique Role of Faith-Based and Community NGOs

March 22, 2007

Faith and Community-Based Partnerships to Improve Prisoner Re-Entry Services

April 16, 2007

The President’s Compassion Agenda: Promoting Service and Civic Engagement

May 29, 2007

Promoting Economic Development and Community Investment Through Public/Private Partnerships

June 27, 2007

State Strategies to Implement Faith-Based and Community Initiatives across the Nation

July 19, 2007

Faith-Based Partnerships to End Homelessness

August 21, 2007

Real Choices for Educational Improvement: How Faith-Based and Community Organizations Help Bridge the Achievement Gap

September 20, 2007

Expanding the Substance Abuse Treatment Paradigm: Faith-Based and Community Partnerships Toward Recovery Support

October 24, 2007

Faith-Based and Community Solutions to Combat Human Trafficking (PDF - 284 KB)

November 16, 2007

Faith-Based and Community Solutions for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (PDF - 348 KB)

December 12, 2007

Faith-Based and Community Solutions to Combat HIV/AIDS

January 23, 2008

Faith-Based and Community Mentoring that Changes Lives (PDF - 389 KB)

February 7, 2008

Social Enterprise in International Development: Reinventing Public Private Partnerships (PDF - 204 KB)

March 13, 2008

Faith-Based and Community Solutions to Hunger at Home and Abroad

April 15, 2008

Faith-Based and Community Strategies to Promote Healthy Families (PDF - 295 KB)

May 19, 2008

Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery: The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Building Resilient Communities

June 18, 2008

Financial Literacy and the Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations (PDF - 496 KB)

July 22, 2008

Serving Those Who Have Served: The Vital Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations (PDF - 568 KB)

August 29, 2008

Advancing Compassion and Service Strategies at the State Level (PDF - 244 KB)

September 17, 2008

Community and Faith-Based Solutions for Immigrant Assimilation and Success (PDF - 524 KB)

October 22, 2008

Community-Based Solutions for Health Needs (PDF - 548 KB)

November 15, 2008

American Indian/Alaska Native Positive Youth Development (PDF - 556 KB)

December 5, 2008

The Next Generation of Social Entrepreneurship (PDF - 529 KB)

December 9, 2008

Strengthening Compassion: Building the Capacity of Faith-Based and Community Organizations (PDF - 567 KB)