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Power Function Review (PFR)

Summary:  This area of the Power Services web site provides information related to the Power Function Review (PFR).  The PFR process consisted of two phases designed to provide interested parties an opportunity to examine, understand and provide input on the cost projections that would form the basis for BPA's initial proposal for the WP-07 Power Rate Case.  The first phase concluded in June 2005 when BPA issued the PFR Final Report (PDF, 49 pages, 409 KB).  At that time, BPA committed to re-examine the drivers of program expenses prior to establishing the power rate levels in BPA's final proposal.  In early 2006 BPA kicked off the second phase known as PFR II to allow interested parties an opportunity to review these program areas.  Workshops were held in January - March, 2006 and in April, BPA issued a draft closeout report for comment.  After the close of comment BPA reviewed all comments and issued the PFR II Final Closeout Report (PDF, 20 pages, 269 KB) on June 1, 2006.

Total Number of Power Function Review documents in the Queue =


Page content last modified on:  December 27, 2006.
Content provided by:  Nita Burbank, 503-230-3935, nmburbank@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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