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Disaster Preparedness For Dairy Producers
[Image: holstein cows grazing on pasture]

Due to the vulnerability of Louisiana to hurricanes and their potential to cause widespread damage due to high winds and flooding, hurricane preparedness is essential. This fact sheet provides dairy producers with information needed to get ready for all types of disasters.

Disaster Preparedness for Goat and Sheep Producers
[Image: ewes on pasture]

Due to the vulnerability of Louisiana to hurricanes and their potential to cause widespread damage due to high winds and flooding, hurricane preparedness is essential. This fact sheet provides information needed for small-ruminant owners to prepare for all types of disasters.

Disaster Preparedness For Horse Producers
[Image: head shot of sorrel horse with bridle]

Due to the vulnerability of Louisiana to hurricanes and their potential to cause widespread damage due to high winds and flooding, hurricane preparedness is essential. This fact sheet provides horse producers with information needed to prepare for all types of disasters.

Horse Health
Horse diseases are normally divided into three general areas, depending on the site of their specificdamage. They are general body diseases, respiratory diseases and reproductive diseases.

Hay and Feed Suppliers for Livestock
The Lousiana Hay and Feed Supplier Directory has been developed for farmers and ranchers to locate supplies in case of an emergency.
Louisiana State Animal Response Team
Louisiana State Animal Response Team (LSART) is an organization of groups and individuals with an interest in animal well-being related to emergencies or disasters.
Horse Evacuation Boarding Facilities
List of equine boarding facilities. These facilities charge a fee, and current coggins is required. You should call ahead to reserve space.
Fly Control for Horses [Image: Horse Control for Horses]
Flies are the most important insect pests of horses. Among this large, diverse group of insects, the pests of horses include bloodsucking or biting flies, filth or irritation flies, mosquitoes and bot flies. The description, biology, economic/health significance and control are included.
Winter Hazards for Louisiana Beef Cattle [Image: cowboy on horseback gathering Brahman cattle]
This two-part series describes the potential disease problems that may arise in the winter in beef cattle because of shortages of grazing and stored forages, and it offers solutions to help prevent these problems.
Vitamins For Horses
Vitamin supplementation in horses is generally not needed since common feeds normally contain adequate amounts. Vitamin deficiencies occur primarily when horses are sick or stressed, or if feed is improperly processed and stored over long periods of time. In these cases, vitamin supplementation may be necessary.
Minerals For Horses
The primary concern in mineral nutrition is to provide salt and adequate levels of calcium and phosphorous in approximately a 1.3 to 1 ratio.
10 Tips For Controlling Parasites in Horses [Image: two horses grazing]
This article discusses the common parasites of horses and ways to control them.
Avoiding Feed-related Problems in Horses [Image: two horses grazing]
The following are some general recommendations to follow when developing a feeding program for horses.
Disaster Readiness for Beef Producers [Image: angus calf in grass pasture]
Due to the vulnerability of Louisiana to hurricanes and their potential to cause widespread damage due to high winds and flooding, hurricane preparedness is essential.