Healthy People 2010 logo Consortium Exchange
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 2000

Healthy Campus 2010: Making It Happen
Recognizing that campus settings in the United States offer unique opportunities to influence the health of approximately 12 million students, the American College Health Association (ACHA) is developing Healthy Campus 2000: Making It Happen, a how-to manual and guide to achieving college health objectives. The ACHA Task Force on College Health Objectives for 2010 presented the draft companion document to their membership at their annual conference. Technology was used to receive feedback on the development of Healthy Campus 2000: Making It Happen. A Web site, listserv, and discussion board aided in the development of the companion document, which is planned for a Fall release. The draft companion document is on the Web at For more information contact Jim Grizzell at (909) 869-4339 or e-mail
Oral Health America Focuses on Oral Health Parity
Oral Health Parity is a national initiative to achieve parity and increased access to care by 2010 for the 22.5 million Americans who want but cannot obtain oral health care. The campaign uses the Healthy People 2010 oral health objectives. Oral Health America is raising public awareness about the report through communication efforts, including national news conferences and releases on oral health disparities. Funding for the campaign was provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. For more information visit the Web site at or contact Elizabeth Rogers at (312) 836-9900.
Asthma Action
Action Against Asthma is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) strategic plan to use Healthy People 2010 objectives for asthma. The strategic plan focuses on disparities, noting that African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos are much more likely to die from asthma than whites. From 1993 through 1995, the death rate from asthma was 38.5 per million among African Americans and 34 per million among Hispanic/Latinos--both more than twice the rate of 15.1 per million among white Americans. Among children, the disparity was even greater: Hispanic/Latino children were more than four times as likely to die from asthma as were white children.

Action Against Asthma includes four priorities: (1) determine the causes of asthma and develop interventions to prevent its onset; (2) reduce the burden for people living with asthma; (3) eliminate the disproportionate burden of asthma in minority populations and those living in poverty; and (4) track the disease and assess the effectiveness of asthma intervention programs. For more information contact Stacey Katz at (202) 690-7287 or Gail Robarge at (202) 690-7799.

Ohio Women's Healthy People 2010 Projects
The Ohio Office of Women's Health Initiatives (OWHI) is working on three projects. The first is a data collection. OWHI has developed a list of women's health indicators (250+) from the 467 Healthy People 2010 objectives and has provided national and State-level data sources that are available for each indicator. The list is being sent to women's health agencies and other State contacts and will be posted on the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Web site for review and comment. Assistance in identifying other State and local data sources for each of the indicators is also sought. 

The second OWHI project is a comparison U.S. Department of Health and Human Services July 2000 of the 10 Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators to Ohio's women's health data in each of these areas. The comparison will allow the OWHI to focus on the Leading Health Indicators that show Ohio to be below the national average for women's health.

OWHI's third project is a state-level women's health study using Healthy People 2010. OWHI will select up to three women's health indicators from Healthy People 2010 objectives for which State-level data is available and will track and assess Ohio's status on the indicators over the 10-year Healthy People period. 

These indicators will be selected in coordination with other program areas in ODH. Care will be taken to select indicators that do not duplicate Healthy People 2010 objectives already being measured by ODH. For more information see the Web site at or contact Jennifer Lopez at (614) 644-1105.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI) Healthy People 2010 Gateway was developed to help achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010: to increase quality and years of healthy life and to eliminate health disparities. The Gateway provides quick, easy access to NHLBI information and resources in four key areas: cardiovascular health, asthma, sleep, and minority populations.

Each area has its own portal, which outlines NHLBI's efforts to meet Healthy People 2010 goals and objectives. These efforts include activities and materials from NHLBI's national education programs and initiatives. The portals offer a wealth of resources to help health professionals plan their own Healthy People activities: public and professional education materials; notices of upcoming meetings, conferences, and exhibits; and opportunities for long-distance learning and continuing education credits for health professionals. 

The Gateway also offers online shopping in the NHLBI materials catalog and many free items to print or download. Additionally, the Gateway has quick links to popular NHLBI Web-based applications on asthma, sleep, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Finally, the Gateway allows the user to become an NHLBI partner in health by joining its Health Information Network (HIN). HIN partners receive updates about new NHLBI programs, research findings, resources, and upcoming events. Partners can also share experiences in health promotion and disease prevention with other HIN partners. For more information contact Rob Fullwood at (301) 496-0554 or e-mail


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Dietary Guidelines
New dietary guidelines were released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and HHS. The guidelines are available online and from the Food and Consumer Service electronic bulletin board at FedWorld by calling (703) 321-3339 from your computer. The bulletin is available to the public. To order a single printed copy, request Item 147G and send your name, address, and $4.75 by check or money order to Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009.
Pick Your Path to Health
The Pick Your Path to Health campaign encourages health awareness among all women, with special emphasis on African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic American, American Indian, and Alaska Native women who, as minorities, face disproportionate obstacles to health care. The campaign focuses on Healthy People 2010 objectives. For more information visit the Web site, send an e-mail to, or call 1-800-994-WOMAN.
NIH Office of Research on Minority Health Web Site Launched
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Minority Health has launched a new Web site to offer the public and the scientific community information about the NIH Minority Health Initiative (MHI). The new Web site provides information about MHI biomedical and behavioral research and research training programs; important health topics; clinical trials; health statistics; NIH grants and contracts; employment and training opportunities; NIH program staff; and NIH publications, reports, health radio programming, and resources. For more information call (301) 402-1366.

About Consortium Exchange

Healthy People Consortium Exchange is an information resource for Healthy People Consortium members to share news about prevention activities related to achieving the Nation's health promotion and disease prevention objectives. Please send news about your programs and activities to Miryam C. Granthon, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 738G, Washington, DC 20201; (202) 690-6245; fax (202) 690-7054. For a list of Consortium members or to see other issues of Consortium Exchange and other Consortium materials visit

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