Meeting of: Secretary's Council on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2010
September 12, 2000, Proceedings

Agenda Item: Comments from the Audience

DR. SATCHER: One more item, and that's comments from the audience. Even though we try to be open, the main discussion takes place around this table. We would like to set aside time now for comments from the audience. You need to stand and say who you are and the organization that you represent and make your comment or recommendation. Anybody interested?

MR. HILTON: Jonathan Hilton. I'm with the Self Reliance Foundation. We deal with Hispanic outreach, but this doesn't really focus on that.

When looking to find role models for youth, it's almost -- how to say it right? If the kids use Tiger Woods as a role model, you really don't have to worry about them. It's more like the Kid Rock fans, the Sisqo fans, the Eminem fans, where you need to give your youth envoys a little more thought going into that. Tiger Woods is great, but like I said, if he's their role model, then those kids are on an upward trajectory, anyway. So, some more thought on the youth role model.

DR. SATCHER: It's a good point, and we would appreciate any input that you would like to give us.

DR. WINDOM: I'd just like to suggest, maybe next time, you invite to the meeting, if they can come, a representative from the National Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, since that is such a major aspect as far as the public paying out for all those things -- if we could have a representative invited at least to come here.

DR. SATCHER: That was a big issue raised out in Montana yesterday in our breakfast discussion. In fact, I don't think we've ever had any discussion on complementary medicine around this table.

Any other comments? Well, the audience has certainly been very patient today, listening and supporting us. We just want you to know that we appreciate that, and wanted to give you an opportunity to comment. I believe we have finished a very extensive agenda. Again, I want to thank all of the Council members, the invited guests, and members of the audience for what has been a most interesting and certainly rewarding day. We hope to see many of you back for the next meeting of the Secretary's Council, which we will be announcing in the future.

Also, there is a National Consortium meeting November 11 in Boston. That's the day before the American Public Health Association. APHA meets November 12-16.

Okay. Thank you very much.

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