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Power Products Catalog

Thumbnail image of Catalog front cover

Current issue of the Catalog (posted April 28, 2000)
   - April 2000 (83 pages) - PDF version (656 kb)

See also the Final Report on Modifications to December 1999 Complex Partial Product (and Dedicated Resource Product) (posted April 28, 2000, 11 pages, PDF, 34 KB).

Previous issues of the Catalog:
   - December 1999 (74 pages) - PDF (880 kb) | MSWord (468 kb)
   - September 1999 (75 pages) - PDF (903 kb) | MSWord (422 kb)
        Sept. 1999 Eratta (7 pages) - PDF (78 kb) | MSWord (112 kb)
   - December 1998 (43 pages) - PDF (592 kb) | MSWord (286 kb)

[ Notes: If your web browser is configured to open PDF or MSWord files within the browser, you can view the Catalog by clicking on one of the above file links with your left mouse button. Since the PDF version has a large file size, it has been "optimized". If your web browser is configured to take advantage of optimized PDF files, BPA's web server will deliver one page at a time (beginning with the cover page), so that you do not have to wait for the entire document to download. After you receive the cover page, you can use the "Bookmarks" feature in Acrobat Reader to navigate directly to the pages you wish to see next. This is intended to make the Catalog more useful to customers who do not wish to download the entire document to a local drive (so that it can be used as an "on-line" catalog). To download the entire Catalog to a local drive, click on one of the above file links with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As..." ]

See also the Final Report on "Partial Service Products" (April 15, 1999, 56 pages, PDF, 185 KB).

Contact your Account Executive for further information regarding BPA's Power Products.


Page content last modified on:  April 28, 2000.
Content provided by:  Diane Cherry, 503-230-5648, dcherry@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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