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Power Business Line (PBL)
Administrative Billing Procedures

The PBL Administrative Billing Procedures document (PDF, 6 pages, 92 kb, issued July 14, 2005) supersedes the Power Billing Procedures manual that was published in October 1998.  These Administrative Billing Procedures apply to all Bonneville Power Administration Power Business Line customers.  The purpose of this document is to advise the Power Customers of the administrative billing and payment procedures used in the current wholesale power billing process.

For customer questions regarding the PBL Administrative Billing Procedures, please contact your Account Executive, the Revenue Analyst for your account, or the PBL Supervisor for Revenue, Metering, and Contract Analysis (Meri Foeller, 503-230-4716, mlfoeller@bpa.gov).


Page content last modified on:  July 14, 2005.
Content provided by:  Karen Graves Pyrch; Manager for Revenue, Metering, & Contract Analysis - PSR; 503-230-4211; ksgpyrch@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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