Biological Product Deviation Reporting (BPDR)

Blood Product Codes

Changes made on October 17, 2008 are identified with a dagger (†).

DB01 - Whole Blood
DB05 - Cryoprecipitated AHF
DB06 - Plasma Cryoprecipitate Reduced
DB07 - Buffy Coat
DB08 - Granulocytes
DB09 - Granulocytes Pheresis
DB10 - Granulocytes Irradiated
DB25 - Red Blood Cells (Apheresis)
DB26 - Red Blood Cells (Apheresis) Leukocytes Reduced
DB27 - Red Blood Cells (Apheresis) Irradiated
DB28 - Red Blood Cells (Apheresis) Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB29 - Red Blood Cells
DB30 - Red Blood Cells Frozen
DB31 - Red Blood Cells Washed
DB32 - Plasma
†DB33 - Plasma Frozen Within 24 Hours After Phlebotomy (FP24)
DB36 - Whole Blood ACD
DB37 - Whole Blood CPD
DB38 - Whole Blood Heparin
DB39 - Whole Blood Cryoprecipitate Removed
DB41 - Platelets Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB42 - Red Blood Cells Deglycerolized Leukocytes Reduced
DB43 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Deglycerolized Leukocytes Reduced
DB44 - Source Plasma
DB45 - Platelets
DB46 - Red Blood Cells Deglycerolized
DB47 - Red Blood Cells Deglycerolized Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB48 - Whole Blood Modified - Platelets Removed
DB49 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Deglycerolized Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB51 - Whole Blood CPDA-1
DB52 - Platelet Rich Plasma
DB53 - Fresh Frozen Plasma
DB54 - Liquid Plasma
DB55 - Source Leukocytes
DB56 - Red Blood Cells Leukocytes Reduced
DB57 - Whole Blood Leukocytes Reduced
†DB58 - Platelets Pheresis Pooled
DB59 - Red Blood Cells Frozen Rejuvenated
DB60 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Deglycerolized
DB61 - Fresh Frozen Plasma (Apheresis)
DB62 - Fresh Frozen Plasma (Apheresis) Irradiated
DB63 - Platelets Pooled
DB64 - Platelets Pooled Leukocytes Reduced
DB65 - Platelets Pooled Irradiated
DB66 - Therapeutic Exchange Plasma
DB67 - Platelets Pooled Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
†DB68 - Platelets Pheresis Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated Washed
DB69 - Platelets Pheresis Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB70 - Platelets Pheresis Washed
DB71 - Platelets Pheresis Leukocytes Reduced Washed
DB72 - Platelets Pheresis Irradiated Washed
DB74 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated
DB75 - Whole Blood CP2D
DB76 - Cryoprecipitated AHF, Pooled
DB77 - Plasma Frozen
DB78 - Plasma Frozen Cryoprecipitate Reduced
DB79 - Platelets Pheresis
DB80 - Red Blood Cells Irradiated
DB81 - Platelets Irradiated
DB82 - Platelets Pheresis Irradiated
DB83 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Irradiated
DB84 - Red Blood Cells Deglycerolized Irradiated
DB85 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Deglycerolized Irradiated
DB86 - Red Blood Cells Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated
DB87 - Red Blood Cells Leukocytes Reduced Irradiated Washed
DB88 - Red Blood Cells Leukocytes Reduced Washed
DB89 - Red Blood Cells Rejuvenated Leukocytes Reduced
DB90 - Whole Blood Platelets Removed Irradiated
DB91 - Cryoprecipitated AHF Irradiated
DB92 - Fresh Frozen Plasma Irradiated
DB93 - Red Blood Cells Frozen Irradiated
DB94 - Red Blood Cells Frozen Rejuvenated Irradiated
DB95 - Plasma Irradiated
DB96 - Whole Blood Irradiated
DB97 - Platelets Leukocytes Reduced
DB98 - Platelets Pheresis Leukocytes Reduced
YY01 - Blood and Blood Products for Reprocessing
DB00 - Blood Products - Other

Updated: October 21, 2008