Teachers' Resources
Videos & Films
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Videos and DVD's are available from the BPA Library. If you wish to check out videos from the BPA Library you need to go to a library that has interlibrary loan services. If you do not have access to a library with interlibrary loan service you will need to fill out a request for borrowing privileges before library videos can be loaned out. VHS videotapes or DVD's can be obtained on a two-week loan from the BPA Library. Please fill in as much information as possible and include the signatures of the borrower and supervisor/co-signer. Before filling out the form you must read the BPA Library circulation policy. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact the library at 503-230-4171 or via e-mail at library@bpa.gov.

River of Power
30 minutes

This story of the development of the Columbia River Power System was produced by BPA in 1987. It combines beautiful aerial photography with historic black and white film clips that tell the story of BPA from the 1930s to the late 1980s. Sound track includes Woody Guthrie singing the songs he wrote for BPA in 1941. Covers current issues such as the Canadian dams, nuclear power, BPA's responsibility to fish and wildlife, transmission line construction using helicopters, and the conversion of AC current to DC for long-distance transmission. Highly recommended for 5th grade through adult. Click here to check-out online.

The Struggle for Power at Cost
45 minutes

Produced for BPA's 50th anniversary in 1987, this video would appeal to high school or adult audiences interested in the history, politics, and economics of public power in the Pacific Northwest. Includes Woody Guthrie music and historic film clips. Click here to check-out online.

The Columbia
22 minutes

Historic look at the Columbia River and its development. Woody Guthrie was hired by BPA in 1941 to write the songs for this movie, but its production was delayed by World War II. Produced in 1949 in black and white, this film contains rare footage of Grand Coulee Dam construction, Indian fishing at Celilo Falls and the 1948 Vanport flood. Use for historic interest. River of Power has more visual appeal and provides more current overview. Click here to check-out online.

River of the West
16 minutes

The story of the Columbia River Basin, from its early settlement in the 19th century and growing salmon fishery to the development of the Northwest's hydrosystem. It introduces the history of the basin, natural resource issues we struggle with, and the role of the Council to reach a sustainable balance between the needs of fish and wildlife and the production of electricity. Click here to check-out online.

NOTE: - personal copies can be checked-out at: http://www.nwcouncil.org/video/

Fish, Wildlife and Power
22 minutes

This show provides examples of BPA's efforts to enhance the region's valuable fish and wildlife resources since 1982. 10th grade through adult. Click here to check-out online.

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