Experience West Virginia hospitality and the Mountaineer spirit – Visit WVU!

The best way to find out if a school is for you is to visit – and we’re sure that after visiting with us you’ll be impressed with what WVU has to offer and discover that WVU is for you.

You can visit WVU in 2 ways – either through our Visitors Resource Center or at one of our Mountaineer Visitation Days.

VRC Visit

The VRC provides you with an extensive tour of campus with one of our student guides and the opportunity to tour campus and meet with an admissions representative. Other activities, such as meetings with professors and attending a class, can sometimes be arranged.

Tours occur twice a day, six days a week (with some exceptions). For more information or to register online, visit the VRC page.

MVD Visit

At the MVD you will enjoy a tour, the chance to learn about admissions, financial aid and scholarships, housing, student organizations, academic programs, and many other areas.

You will also have the chance to eat lunch in one of our dining facilities and ride the PRT – our unique campus transportation system. We can also review your admission application during your visit. Other optional activities include attending a class and sessions with specific academic departments.

The University holds 12-15 of these events annually. For more information or to register, visit the MVD page.


Visitors Resource Center
Visitors Resource Center

The WVU Visitors Resource Center combines cutting-edge video and digital technology, campus tours with friendly, knowledgeable guides, and traditional West Virginia hospitality to create a sense of how the University can start you on your path to greatness. To make reservations for a guided tour, call 304-293-3489.