Friday, January 16, 2009


Grazing BullIn the 2002 Farm Bill, Congress passed a law requiring mandatory country-of-origin labeling for agriculture products. Five years later, that law still has not been implemented by the USDA.

National Farmers Union was at the forefront of the fight for the passage of COOL. Now, we are leading the charge for its implementation, and working to ensure that the USDA follows the intent of Congress. National Farmers Union believes that domestic producers deserve the right to distinguish their high quality U.S. products from imported ones. We also believe that consumers deserve the right to know where there food comes from.

We strongly oppose any efforts to kill or delay COOL, and will continue to urge leaders in Washington to implement COOL for all agriculture products. endcap.gif

Tyson Letter to Cattle Producers

Tyson Letter to Hog Producers

Tyson Letter to Consumers

Link: U.S. Trading Partners that Require COOL


COOL Facts - Voluntary vs. Mandatory 7-17-07

COOL Facts - Producers, Processors, Retailers 7-16-07

COOL Facts - Consumers 7-13-07

COOL Facts - Costs 7-12-07

COOL Facts - Trade 7-11-07

COOL Facts 6-8-05

COOL Facts 6-7-05

COOL Facts 5-6-05

Supporting Documents (PDF Format):

COOL Comparison to 2002 Law

COOL Laws in the 2007 Farm Bill 1-14-08

Fed Register Reopen Comments-BEEF 6-20-07

Fed Register Reopen Comments-SEAFOOD 6-20-07

COOL Editorials 1-07

Public Citizen - Money in COOL 9-05

COOL Senate Staff Briefing 7-20-05 PowerPoint Presentation

COOL Myths - Senate Briefing 7-05

COOL Poll Results 1-04

COOL Beef Products - Consumers Perception Survey 3-03

Points for Consumer Support, From Surveys

COOL Timeline