Friday, January 16, 2009


Tom BuisNFU President Tom Buis has been a top advocate for family farms and rural America on Capitol Hill for nearly two decades. Before coming to Washington in 1987, Buis farmed in central Indiana and still owns an Indiana farm. Most recently, Buis served as NFU’s Vice President of Government Relations in the organization’s Washington, D.C. office. Read Tom’s Bio.

NFU Vice President Claudia Svarstad was elected NFU Vice President March 4, 2008. Svarstad has previously served as President and CEO of Farmers Union Insurances, where she worked for 33 years in marketing and underwriting roles. Svarstad has also represented NFU on the board of Alliance to End Hunger since 2005. Read Claudia’s Bio.

NFU’s Board of Directors consists of the president of each
state/regional organization, President Tom Buis and Vice President Claudia Svarstad. End

Alaska - Robert Wells

Arkansas - David Coker

California - Joaquin Contente

Idaho - Gary Turner

Illinois - Bryan Sharp

Indiana - James Benham

Iowa - Chris Petersen

Kansas - Donn Teske

Michigan - Marilynn Momber

Minnesota - Doug Peterson

Missouri - Russ Kremer

Montana - Alan Merrill

Nebraska - John K. Hansen

New England - Jeff LaFleur

North Dakota - Robert Carlson

Ohio - Roger Wise

Oklahoma - Ray Wulf

Oregon - Dan Joyce

Pennsylvania - Larry Breech

Rocky Mountain - Kent Peppler
(Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming)

South Dakota - Doug Sombke

Texas - Wes Sims

Utah - Arthur L. Douglas

Washington - Jim Davis

Wisconsin - Sue Beitlich