Friday, January 16, 2009

Audio 2007

General Tom12-19-07 NFU President Tom Buis recaps the events of 2007 and comments on the outlook and goals of NFU for 2008 including the progress of the farm bill and the benefits of renewable fuels.

General Tom12-14-07 NFU President Tom Buis applauds the Senate for passing the 2007 Farm Bill before Congress adjourns for the year. The bill includes record investments in nutrition, conservation, renewable energy and specialty crop programs.

General Tom

12-13-07 NFU President Tom Buis reacts to this evening’s passage of the energy bill in the Senate. The 86-8 vote approved a bill that expands the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

General Tom

11-16-07 NFU President Tom Buis reacts to today’s failed cloture vote in the Senate. The vote would have allowed for the Senate to consider the farm bill, which expired the end of September.

General Tom

11-8-07 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on Watertown, South Dakota’s KWAT Ag Hour, to disuss the farm bill. Jason Frerichs, a member of South Dakota Farmers Union, also appeared as the host for the show.

General Tom

11-7-07 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show along with Dan Morgan, Washington Post correspondent; Ken Cook, Environmental Working Group President; and Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., to discuss the farm bill.

General Tom

11-5-07 NFU President Tom Buis spoke with WNAX Radio in South Dakota about the Senate farm bill, agreeing that the bill may take two weeks to pass through the floor - debate mostly centering around two or three issues, including payment limits.

General Tom

10-29-07 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on Agritalk following the Senate Ag Committee’s farm bill passage. Buis discussed the provisions that will benefit family producers and the provisions NFU would like to see addressed on the Senate floor.

General Tom

10-23-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on a coalition’s agreement on the interstate shipment of meat and poultry products. The compromise legislation will be included in the Senate Agriculture Committee’s farm bill. Read full release.

General Tom

10-23-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on the benefits of interstate shipment of meat and poultry products to the “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” movement. The compromise legislation will be included in the Senate Ag Committee’s farm bill.

General Tom

10-23-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on the benefits of interstate shipment of meat and poultry products to providing safe food to American consumers. The compromise legislation will be included in the Senate Ag Committee’s farm bill.

General Tom

10-8-07 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on AgriTalk along with National Association of State Departments of Agriculture President Roger Johnson to discuss allowing interstate shipment of meat and poultry within the U.S. Visit

General Tom

9-19-07 NFU President Tom Buis joined Senate leaders in a press conference to discuss the need for a permanent disaster assistance program that would aid producers during times of natural disasters without relying on ad hoc assistance.

General Tom

9-19-07 NFU President Tom Buis applauds Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus for outlining a tax package last week that would provide the funds to create a permanent disaster program in the 2007 Farm Bill.

General Tom

9-18-07 NFU President Tom Buis appeared on AgriTalk to discuss USDA’s Sept. 14 decision to expand beef trade with Canada, despite concerns regarding BSE and the lack of mandatory COOL.

General Tom

7-27-07 NFU President Tom Buis was a guest on NPR’s To the Point radio show to discuss the farm bill. The House of Representatives passed the bill just prior to the show’s airing. Read release.

General Tom

7-20-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on the House Agriculture Committee’s inclusion of a process for implementing mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL). NFU played a key role in passing the provision. Read full release.

General Tom

7-20-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on the House Agriculture Committee’s unanimous approval of the 2007 Farm Bill. The bill supports several NFU priorities. Read full release.

General Tom

7-9-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson’s farm bill commodity title proposal. The proposal includes a provision for a permanent emergency disaster program. Read full statement.

General Tom

6-4-07 NFU President Tom Buis is a guest on AgriTalk Radio with Mike Adams to debate Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling on all products (COOL). To listen to the entire AgriTalk program, or to hear other AgriTalk shows, click here.

General Tom

5-24-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments following Congressional approval of $3 billion in disaster assistance included in the FY07 Supplemental Appropriations bill. Read Press Release

General Tom5-10-07 NFU President Tom Buis comments on the House of Representatives passing agricultural disaster assistance for producers affected by devastating weather conditions. Read Press Release

TeskeTestimony5-9-07 Kansas Farmers Union President Donn Teske testifies before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming on the devastating effects of high input costs. Read Press Release or Read Testimony

TomSenateAgTestimony4-25-07 NFU President Tom Buis testifies before the Senate Agriculture Committee on the 2007 Farm Bill based on the results from the nationwide listening sessions. Read Press Release or Read Testimony.

LaFleurTestimony4-19-07 New England Farmers Union President and Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Executive Director Jeff LaFleur testifies before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research. Read Press Release or Read Testimony