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[image: Chancellor]

[Image: Crowd and float at Mardi Gras]Don’t Mistake Food Poisoning For Flu; Be Careful During Carnival Season
Don’t let food poisoning be a memento of the Mardi Gras season," says LSU AgCenter nutritionist and food safety expert Dr. Beth Reames. "By following some simple practices, you can enjoy the festivities without suffering from foodborne illnesses."
Make Sure Eggs Are Cooked In Holiday Recipes
The holidays abound with tasty treats such as eggnog, cream pies and other dishes containing eggs. Eating raw or undercooked eggs invites foodborne illness, cautions LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
[Image: Baked Ham]Enjoy Safe Holiday Meal
As American families and friends gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, cooks head to the kitchen to prepare bountiful meals. One item not on the grocery list, but that should be in the kitchen, is food safety, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.

Avoid Mall Belly When Holiday Shopping
The holidays mark the season of shopping and eating as shoppers rush to the mall to buy gifts. Malls are popular not just for the merchandise they carry but for the many restaurants and snack shops they offer.
[Image: Brochure about eye health during pregnancy]Eye Health During Pregnancy
Graduate Research Study that will evaluate eye health during pregnancy as it relates to the diet.
[Image: Girl and woman working in kitchen]Encourage Children To Help With Meals During Holidays, All Year Long
(Distributed 12/18/06) When children help prepare holiday meals, they can develop a healthy self-concept and an appreciation for food safety.


[Image: hypertension]Hypertension Fact Sheet
Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure, is called the silent killer because there often are no noticeable symptoms. Find out who's at risk and the dangers of hypertension in this fact sheet.
Removing Odors from Refrigerator and Freezer
If food has thawed in your refirgerator or freezer, you are probably facing an odor problem.
[Image: dried beans]Folic Acid Critical To Good Health
Including folic acid in your diet is a key strategy for optimal health, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames. This is her message during National Folic Acid Awareness week, Jan. 9-15.

Education Resources
[Image: hypertension]Hypertension Fact Sheet
Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure, is called the silent killer because there often are no noticeable symptoms. Find out who's at risk and the dangers of hypertension in this fact sheet.
Make smart choices for a healthier lifestyle in 2009
We encounter choices that affect our health all day long. Take the steps or the elevator? What to have for lunch? Watch television or go for a walk? LSU AgCenter nutrition educators are empowering people to make smart choices. They’re doing this through a new community nutrition education program aimed at a variety of audiences called Smart Choices.
[Image: grocery list]Smart Choices: Grocery List
Use this sample grocery list for eating on the go.
[Image: mypyramid]MyPyramid Worksheet for Kids (1,800 calories)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8.