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Gay band will march to the beat of Obama's drum
Four horn players from Seattle are about to be part of history: They will be part of an all-gay band that will march in the inauguration parade.
What do you think?

Posted by NCdreamer at 1/15/09 4:36 a.m.

You folks all have hang ups with other people who aren't bigots. Seems to me that the most damaged folks are those who can't acknowledge that there are other people in this country who are not white and heterosexual.
Success to all members of the band that will be participating in the inauguration parade. Forget the haters who posted earlier as they have nothing else to contribute but the hate.


Posted by jirish at 1/15/09 5:37 a.m.

Are they going to be wearing their leather chaps and feathers? Hide the kids.

Posted by NCdreamer at 1/15/09 4:36 a.m.
"Forget the haters who posted earlier as they have nothing else to contribute but the hate."
""Lets talk about hate....about all those who protested against the vote on prop 8, all those "loving and tolerant" people who have accosted old ladies on the street for sporting their views on a placard. All those first amendment endorsers who think that the first amendment applies only to their point of view, who have no respect for other people's property. Who disrupt church services dressed as freaks. Who intimidate those who voted for the prop.
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.


Posted by medievalmind at 1/15/09 6:21 a.m.

Many of the posters responding to this article need to stop studying that outdated propaganda film "The Gay Agenda," produced by evangelicals in 1992. And, you should learn how to read. The article clearly states what the band members will be wearing. No feather boas or chaps. Grow up and learn to think for yourselves for once. Don't believe every negative stereotype about gay men and lesbians that someone tries to feed you. Meet a few and then draw your own conclusions.


Posted by Jim98122 at 1/15/09 6:49 a.m.

It never ceases to amaze me what an infinite supply of "nasty" there is when the subject comes to homo-bigotry.


Posted by klake at 1/15/09 7:15 a.m.

Posted by Jim98122 at 1/15/09 6:49 a.m.

It never ceases to amaze me what an infinite supply of "nasty" there is when the subject comes to homo-bigotry.

Jim 98122don't look in the nirror you might not like what you see. It really takes one to know one. Now you all have a great day and try to keep your minds out of the gutter.


Posted by tugboatsnavy at 1/15/09 7:26 a.m.

Gay men in the parade is ok as long as they don't wear lipstick...lesbians have to wear a dress....

Some gays I like because I think they are funny, some are stupid and some are nice but all in all, good and bad, they are NOT like me. I would never think of marching in the gay pride parade and dressing in the nude like dikes on bikes or going into anothers church dressed like a clown.....

The gays and the lesbian friends that I have are really nice people and would never think of hurting anyone but the overbearing ones that I know, I have no time for. March away but be nice to people.......


Posted by BuckTooth at 1/15/09 7:43 a.m.

GROSS! Why do they have a need to shove sex in every ones face? So they play music, I do not need the information about the groups sex life, being gay. Because they are gay IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM OF THE STORY!.. Quite shoving a life style I do not like, or want in my face! You want to have it, fine, just shut up about it. How about a story of a group of men and women going to play music, whats wrong with that?


Posted by trisckit at 1/15/09 7:58 a.m.

inland posted: "Give liberals control the gay people come out of the woodwork. This is bad change"

Um..last time I checked, we didn't live in the 1950's so we're not forced to live in the woodwork anymore. We're everywhere, like we should be. it's time for all the conservatives and religious koo-koos to get used to it already.


Posted by Seatawk at 1/15/09 8:04 a.m.

"There are going to be 177 gay people in Obama's inauguration parade, and I think that speaks for itself."

Yeah, it says less than 200 people.


Posted by shorelineguy at 1/15/09 8:08 a.m.

Ghose of Reality, you're a friggin idiot! Were your parents brother and sister? Your kind of hatred is exactly what is dead wrong with this country and what was bred by the GWB administration. Crawl back into your trailer park and shut up.

What's the point of a gay band? What's the point of a high school band? a black band? I mean really, stupid thing to write a newspaper story about.

Inauguration Day is a day where the entire country SHOULD be coming out to celebrate the changing of the guard so to speak. It's a day the elected officials put aside their partisan differences and enjoy the party.

It's not going to be like it for long, dont' pee on the parade. End of soapbox


Posted by Seatawk at 1/15/09 8:21 a.m.

Posted by shorelineguy at 1/15/09 8:08 a.m.

Your kind of hatred is exactly what is dead wrong with this country and what was bred by the GWB administration.

I have nothing against gays. The only difference is their sexual preference. But if you think anti-gay sentiment was driven by the Bush administration, you're a moron. People that dislike gays don't dislike them more, and people that like gays don't like them less, just because of Bush.

Stand up for your beliefs but don't look stupid while you do it.


Posted by dogsoldier at 1/15/09 8:27 a.m.

I have to assume that all GLBT were excluded from all other bands now that they have their own...?


Posted by farmhand at 1/15/09 8:36 a.m.

To all the bigots above: next week a BLACK guy is going to have a GAY band play while he becomes PRESIDENT. Four to eight years of this!
Feel the burn!


Posted by sobuhutch at 1/15/09 8:39 a.m.

I hope they play "It's Raining Men"!

Go team! I say, Gays can play. They'll shine a ray on all our days!

Don't like it, then you can get out.


Posted by hsky69 at 1/15/09 8:39 a.m.

Here's the catch 22: Many gays are SO GAY it's annoying. It can be funny on a sitcom such as Will and Grace but in the real world it gets tiresome really, really fast. I don't think most people would have as much a problem with homosexuality as they do if gays weren't just so damn gay. Pretty big conundrum when you think about. I think the gay community needs to fire their PR person and come up with some new strategies.


Posted by southkingcons at 1/15/09 8:40 a.m.

"GAY BAND" or it should read - 4 horn players that happen to be gay.

It is the same B.S. that is everywhere. Gay comedians?Êor aren't they just comedians that happen to be gay!

What is the difference between gay things and those things that are done by anybody else? other than just the " they are gay " ?!

Why not just wright it about 4 horn players from the northwest!


Posted by tugboatsnavy at 1/15/09 9:22 a.m.

Ok, that does it.... no more gay pride parades in Seattle and the band has to march straight.....


Posted by sobuhutch at 1/15/09 9:37 a.m.

Oh yes, hsky69,

The problem with gays is that they're so gay. Way to thinly mask your dislike of others.

There is no problem with homsexuals at all, and if you think there is, it's your loss, just keep it out of my government.


Posted by KitCurry at 1/15/09 9:38 a.m.

Irrelevant symbolism.


Posted by HellHathNoFury at 1/15/09 9:41 a.m.

I'm bisexual, and I'm all for gay people who just live thier lives, but really. If my straight friends had the audacity to even whisper the words, 'all heterosexual band', the ACLU would beat them to death with a list of offenses. Honestly, if we want to be treated equally, we need to act equally, or at least quit trying to be treated special. If you're equal, you're NOT special, and you have the SAME RIGHTS as the straight people who don't get to have parades. Instead of like an obnoxious class clown "Look at me, I'm special! Look what I can do! I have rights! You can't say anything to shame me, and you must put up with it!", have some integrity. Seriously, some of 'us' don't flaunt it, we don't act like a bunch of elves in happy fairytale land where we must wear T-shirts and have bumper stickers and rub everyone's nose in it. We just happen to be attracted to the same *or both* sexes. *Captain Obvious to the rescue*


Posted by HellHathNoFury at 1/15/09 9:52 a.m.

Hsky69, it's not that we *they* are 'so damn GAY', it's that they were the kids who were never taught any dignity. just like the load straight girl at the bar, or the cowboy that likes to drop his drawers when he's drunk. It's a matter of maturity. No one that isn't close to me would know I'm bisexual. *except all of you, because I defeated my point and told everyone just now duh* It's not that I'm ashamed in the least. I just know that flaunting it like a moron won't gain me any respect, it makes me a joke. Even I have been made a fool of by gay friends. Public humiliation in the form of blatanly obvious sexual jest=not exactly my favorite pasttime. I see it the same as a straight, married man who thinks that just because he's still attracted to females, that he can grope women in public, shame his wife and aquaintances, put socks in his pants and brag about it to everyone. If that's tacky, then so is the kind of public 'display' I've seen from several gays who are no longer friends, because of thier lack of tact and respect.


Posted by Rambler Man at 1/15/09 10:21 a.m.

HellHathNoFury hit the nail on the head. Some of you don't want equality you want to be treated more special than the "normal poeople" you claim you are. I may have some different life style that gays wouldn't like (like being straight) but I don't flaunt it and have a bumper sticker or a T-shirt that says I'm straight.

If you read my post you read to far, it should have stopped with Fury's


Posted by karencj at 1/15/09 10:23 a.m.

To tugboatsnavy,

Exactly how does one "dress in the nude"?


Posted by karencj at 1/15/09 10:24 a.m.

to HellHathNoFury,

I'm guessing you are very young.


Posted by Amish at 1/15/09 10:26 a.m.

So they're not mad at him for disapproving of gay marriage? How magnanimous!


Posted by monsterlove at 1/15/09 10:32 a.m.

yo tugboatsnavy... guess what? I DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE YOUR APPROVAL! and guess what? I COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR OPINION...

i HATE when straight people put us in boxes of good and bad gay people... the ones who do not hit any of your nerves are ok... right? well guess what... there are good and bad and annoying and tolerable people in every "category" of people! do you also say out loud or in your responses that there are black folks that are ok and others that are not? well guess what? if you wanna play dirty i could give you a LIST of people that annoy me to tears but do i go around blabbing my opinion as if i have some right to dictate how everyone else should act? nope... fake blond women who drive like crap on cell phones in giant SUV's drive me crazy... but guess what... I HAVE A LIFE AND WORRY ABOUT MORE IMPORTANT THINGS.

i read these responses sometimes and i get really sad that the world i live in of downtown seattle where i rarely encounter ignorance is not the "real" america... do you folks who write in with all your lame gay jokes and comments live outside the city or are you secretly lame in the city of seattle? it is so gross and so outdated... and it makes me proud to be "out of touch" with mainstream america as it becomes so removed from the rest of the western world and sad and angry and dark and all around LAME.

you know the reason why there is a gay band? or any sort of gay group or club or what have you? BECAUSE OF YEARS AND YEARS OF YOU! guess what? if we had not been shunned beaten and shut up by the majority of our culture we would not have been put in this situation in which we have to seek out others who see the world as we do... we would simply be who we are with no questions like you... it is not about putting "sex" in anyone's face... it is sad that you see it as such a simple issue... and you find NO responsibility in it politically now that we refuse to live under your cultural B.S...

guess what... practice saying something for me... PRESIDENT OBAMA.
you know what that means? that means that we have the president of our country on our side now and it burns you up inside that things are a changin and we are thankfully NOT in kansas anymore...

by the way... i always had a suspicion that our president elect was secretly PRO gay marriage and the news came out yesterday!!! read it and weep and if you dont like it why dont you move to a theocracy that is closest to the one you wish to create here in the US... hmmm... iran?

peace out. loosen up and have some fun today haters...


Posted by Jim98122 at 1/15/09 10:46 a.m.

Well said, Monsterlove.

America is going to be a really exhausting place for bigots for the next 4 or 8 years. It takes SO much energy to carry all that hate around with you all the time. Everywhere they look there will be more people to hate, and it'll get really tiring!


Posted by PastorRodFlash at 1/15/09 10:48 a.m.

Implores NASCARRICH: What more could the "LEFT" ask for!

Strictly for grins, maybe your prolapsed colon?


Posted by Amish at 1/15/09 10:50 a.m.

America is going to be a really exhausting place for bigots for the next 4 or 8 years. It takes SO much energy to carry all that hate around with you all the time. Everywhere they look there will be more people to hate, and it'll get really tiring!

I know! Who are the libs going to attack now with Bush/Cheney out of office? I'm worried their poor little heads are going to explode!


Posted by sobuhutch at 1/15/09 10:55 a.m.

Amish, that's more clever than your last item, but not by much...

Too bad most of us liberals are too caught up in help move our nation forward to practice so much hatred.


Posted by DAVIDRF at 1/15/09 11:04 a.m.

My, my my....all these haters come out in force whenever the slightest hint of an article about gays is in the PI. If the paper isn't sold and closes, where will they ever find a public forum to spout out their bigotry for all to see?

For people that seem to be so against homosexuality, they sure can't seem to help themselves talking about it or posting in nearly every thread when the subject comes up....


Posted by jagdenpanther at 1/15/09 11:07 a.m.

A gay band...hmm... reminds me of some of those instruments we invented from names like trombone and saxophone..adolescent humor :)

I'm all for diversity and acceptance. I bet this band sounds great.


Posted by monsterlove at 1/15/09 11:09 a.m.

the only people i plan to attack are the ones who will continue to make our country a negative place... the ones who slash regulations in the name of making money... the ones who put insurance profits over human health... the ones who degrade others... the ones who insist on division rather than inclusion... don't worry my conservative friend grasping for straws in order to stay in "control"... there are so many reason that my head will not explode but stay busy and active with new positive ideas that i hope will play a small part in moving our country forward and keeping it free and safe for everyone...


Posted by AksalaSeawolf at 1/15/09 11:33 a.m.

All anyone cares about is, can they play good music? Happy guys playing good music rocks!


Posted by citykitty at 1/15/09 11:33 a.m.

Wow - who knew a nice, uplifting human interest story about four terrific sounding local musicians would bring out such bigotry and hatefulness? And enough already with the childish sexual innuendo...

For every nasty posting, please know that there are so many more of us who are delighted with this milestone and hope our representatives to the national band have wonderful experience on inauguration day - I hope it's a new day for all of us.

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