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Regional Dialogue Policy Implementation

In July 2007 BPA issued its Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy and Record of Decision setting direction for establishing 20-year contracts. This portion of the Web provides information on BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy Implementation process that will lead to contract signing by the end of 2008. This process will address the Tiered Rates Methodology, product development, net requirements and High Water Mark determinations and other issues. For additional information, please contact Nita Burbank at (503) 230-3935.

Information on the Residential Exchange Program is also available on this site. For more information contact Cheryl Larson at (503) 230-5356.


Page content last modified on:  May 13, 2008.
Content provided by:  Nita Burbank, 503-230-3935, nmburbank@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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