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IOU/Public Settlement -- www.bpa.gov/power/LP/settlement/

(updated January 22, 2004)

This page provides links to information regarding the proposed settlement of litigation challenging contracts BPA entered into in 2001. Related suits by other utilities were also involved. Primary among the issues were the benefits BPA provides to the residential and small farm customers of the region's Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) under the Northwest Power Act of 1980.


January 22, 2004 - Settlement fails to earn regional approval. For more information, see:

Background Information / Schedule (updated November 5, 2003)

Administrator's Record of Decision (ROD), signed October 21, 2003
Note: This ROD was originally posted on the PBL web site on October 23, 2003. It was later removed pursuant to the terms of the Stipulation and Agreement for Settlement (Stipulation), issued October 23, 2003 (see below).

Stipulation and Agreement for Settlement (Stipulation), issued October 23, 2003
(PDF, 72 pages, 243 kb, corrected November 14, 2003, reposted here on November 20, 2003)
Note: This version of the Stipulation includes 2 corrected pages, initialed by Steve Wright. Links are provided below for those who want to only download the corrected pages:

IOU Contract Amendments and Slice Settlement Agreements
(updated January 22, 2004)

Previous Announcements

January 16, 2004 - An updated (January 16th) version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 47 kb) is now available.

January 12, 2004 - An updated (January 9th) version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 31 kb) is now available.

December 31, 2003 - An updated (December 29th) version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 44 kb) is now available.

December 19, 2003 - An updated version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 32 kb) is now available.

December 12, 2003 - An updated version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 43 kb) is now available.

December 5, 2003 - An updated version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 29 kb) is now available.

November 25, 2003 - An updated (November 21st) version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 29 kb) is now available.

November 20, 2003 - PDF versions of the two corrected pages of the Stipulation and Agreement for Settlement (Stipulation) that were initialed by Steve Wright on November 14, 2003, are now available on the IOU/Public Settlement page.

November 14, 2003 - An updated version of the IOU/Public Settlement Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 29 kb) is now available.

November 3, 2003 - An updated version of the Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 25.3 kb) for the IOU/ Public Settlement is now available that includes corrections of the October 31 version.

October 31, 2003 - Tracking Report Now Available:  BPA issued today it's first Tracking Report (PDF, 3 pages, 24 kb) for the IOU/Public Settlement. This report, in table format, provides information regarding who needs to consider signing which of the documents that compose the IOU/Public Settlement, as well as the date upon which the documents are signed as the 120 day process unfolds. This report will be updated regularly and as needed. Today's report shows the dates for the initial signatures of Vera Water and Power, Puget Sound Energy, and Avista Corporation. [Note: To print this report, use "Legal" (8.5" x 14") paper size and "Landscape" orientation printer settings.]

October 23, 2003 - IOU/Public Settlement Terms Now Final:  BPA issued a news release today stating that BPA, Vera Water and Power, Avista Corporation, and Puget Sound Energy have all signed a proposed litigation settlement regarding the Residential Exchange Program (REP) Settlement Agreements between BPA and the regional investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and other contracts between BPA and its customers, as well as policy decisions associated with these contracts. This begins a 120-day review of the agreed-to terms and conditions of a settlement by parties to the original litigation.


Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  January 22, 2004.
Content provided by:  Sarah Westenberg (503-230-4753, sawestenberg@bpa.gov), Peter Burger (503-230-4148, pjburger@bpa.gov), and Liz Evans (503-230-4284, eaevans@bpa.gov).
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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