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BPA Resource Program

The Resource Program will help BPA determine the amount, type and timing of new resource acquisitions. The Resource Program will be guided by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's (Council) Power Plan. BPA is working with the Council and interested parties to ensure that Resource Program results are consistent with the Council's plan, taking into account BPA’s system requirements and characteristics.

BPA expects to release a draft Resource Program document for public comment in July 2009. The timeline posted below summarizes the relative schedules for the Resource Program, development of the Council's Sixth Power Plan and important decision points for BPA customers for placing power requirements on BPA under Regional Dialogue contracts.

  • Renewable RFI

    With this Request for Information (RFI), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is seeking specific information about the potential supply, terms and conditions associated with the purchase of output from renewable generation resources



Page content last modified on:  January 15, 2009.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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