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Quarterly Reports

Fiscal Year 2008     (History)

Background Information

Quarterly reports, prepared by BPA's Financial Operations staff, look back at the previous 90 days and contain actual figures to date.

Frequency of Posting: Quarterly
POC: Alan Schlosser, FRS
File format: PDF


Fiscal Year 2007     (Current)

Fiscal Year 2006     
  • 1st Quarter (Posted February 1, 2006)
  • 2nd Quarter
    (Posted May 1, 2006 - reposted May 12, 2006)
    The attached financial statements reflect a reclassification of 2005 depreciation and Federal utility plant line items on the Combined Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited) for the period ended March 31, 2005. This reclassification did not change FY 2005 net revenue or net cash flow. There was no impact to FY 2006.
  • 3rd Quarter (Posted August 2, 2006)
Fiscal Year 2005 Fiscal Year 2004 Fiscal Year 2003 Fiscal Year 2002 Fiscal Year 2001 Fiscal Year 2000
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Other Years

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     Page last modified on Thursday July 24, 2008.