College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences             Cooperative Extension Service              Ag Experiment Station
Livestock Crops Economics Weather Family
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Drought Sites
Weather Extremes

Heat Stress – Are You Ready?
FEMA’s website to help people prepare for and avoid heat stress during periods of high temperature and high humidity.  Click here to learn more about keeping yourself and your family cool and safe as we approach the final days of summer.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Learn how to keep your employees safe during periods of high temperatures and high humidity. 

Pets and Heat Stress
Recommendations for keeping your pets cool and healthy during periods of high temperatures and high humidity. 


South Dakota Burn Bans/Burn Restrictions


Feed Finder   This site is hosted by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and South Dakota State University College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. Check this site to sell feed, buy feed or if you have pasture to rent or are looking for pasture to rent.

Other feed sources

  NDSU FeedList
  Upper Midwest Haylist
  Manitoba Hay Listing


CURRENT NEWS                                                       more...

2006 PUBLICATIONS                                            more...

ExEx2054   Top 10 Drought Management Tips for Ranchers PDF NEW
ExEx5041   Short on Feed? Move the feed to the livestock, or the livestock to the feed? PDF NEW
ExEx5050   Economics of Managing a Livestock Enterprise During Drought PDF NEW
FS912   When Your Income Drops PDF NEW
ExEx6036   Dealing with Drought Stress in Home Lawns PDF NEW
ExEx8145   Obtain a Representative Plant Tissue Sample for Nitrate Testing PDF NEW
ExEx8156   Restrictions for Harvesting Small Grain Forages After Herbicide Applications PDF NEW

Video interviews — Drought Management Tips from SDSU Extension