BPA Power Services
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Power Services Web Site Help & Information

Links to Help Pages:

Target Audiences:
The target audiences for this web site are customers, Tribes, constituents, and other stakeholders who have an ongoing interest in BPA's Power Services.

Purpose of the Power Services Web Site:
The overall purpose of this web site is to help meet the business needs of BPA's Power Services. Specifically:

  1. Provide quick and easy access to Power-related information and documents;
  2. Support Power Services efforts to improve participation in its public involvement processes;
  3. Provide a publicly-accessible archive (legal record) of the processes used for making PBL-related decisions;
  4. Support Power Services efforts to earn/improve the trust of its stakeholders;
  5. Support/improve direct communications between target audiences and Power Services decision-makers and information providers;
  6. Support Power Services marketing and relationship-building efforts;
  7. Minimize Power Services expenses for distributing printed copies of documents and other information;
  8. Help educate target audiences about the role of the Power Services organization and how it relates to other BPA organizations;
  9. Help educate target audiences about the value and benefits of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS).

Power Services Site Design Objectives:

  1. Provide information/content in a timely, organized, and consistent manner;
  2. Provide consistent and intuitive navigation so that visitors always know where they are on the site and how to navigate quickly to their next destination (see Site Features);
  3. Maximize the usability of the site so that the site functions as intended for most visitors, regardless of their web browser software or screen size;
  4. Minimize the time required to download web pages (minimize the number and size of graphics files used for web site appearance and navigation purposes);
  5. Make it easy for visitors to provide feedback that helps improve the site (see on-line Comment Form).

Relationship to Other BPA Web Sites:
The Power Services web site is a "sub-site" of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) web site. Other BPA sub-sites include:


Page content last modified on:  February 4, 2005.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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