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OSU Weed Management

Of Interest:

Herbicide Programs for non-GMO soybeans (pdf)

2009 Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana (pdf)

Biology and Management of Giant Ragweed (GWC bulletin)

Controlling kochia and palmer amaranth in warm-season grass stands and cropland (USDA/OSU technical note)

Management of Giant Ragweed in Roundup Ready Soybean Fields with a History of Poor Control (pdf)

Benefits of PRE Herbicides in Roundup Ready Soybeans (pdf)

Control of Lambsquarters in Corn and Soybeans (pdf)

Biology and Management of Horseweed (Marestail) (GWC bulletin)

Glyphosate, Weeds, and Crops Group website


Herbicide Resistance Maps for Ohio

2009 Herbicide Update

2008 OABA/OSU Crop Production Conference

2008 OSU Advanced Agronomy Workshop

Scientific Writing: Meeting the Reader's Needs


Field Research

        2007 Giant Ragweed Emergence Final Update (7/24)

2006 Giant Ragweed Emergence Final Update

OSU Weed Science Field Research Results - 2008

OSU Weed Science Field Research Yield Results -2008

Previous Years

Herbicide Resistance Information

International Survey of Resistant Weeds


CRP weed control fact sheet

Biology and Management of Horseweed (Marestail)

Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa Field Guide, OSU

"Dicamba Injury to Soybeans", U. of Wisconsin

Plant Growth Regulator Injury to Soybean, U. of Illinois

Cressleaf groundsel fact sheet, OSU

Weed Management in Grass Pastures, Hayfields, and other Farmstead Sites, U. of Kentucky


Weed Identification Resources (online)

Winter Annual Weed Hosts of Soybean Cyst Nematode

WSSA weed photo library

Aquaplant - aquatic plant ID

Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide

U of Illinois weed ID

U of Missouri weed ID

Virginia Tech Weed ID Guide

Weeds of the North Central States


University Weed Science Websites

Iowa State University

Penn State University

Purdue University

Southern Illinois University

The Weed Workshop (OARDC)

U. of Illinois

U. of Missouri

U. of Wisconsin

Other Related Websites

CDMS (pesticide label/MSDS info)

Greenbook (pesticide label/MSDS info)

North Central Weed Science Society

Weed Science Society of America





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Copyright by The Ohio State University 2003
Agriculture and Natural Resources
, OSU Extension, ATI, OARDC, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences