The Economist will have an online, Oxford-style debate on its website from 30 September - 10 October.
The topic: The value of H2O
The proposition: This house believes that water, as a scarce resource, should be priced according to its market value.
Some of the issues the debate will cover include: Would water supplies be better managed [...]

Action Request!  from Gerry Galloway and Jane Rowan, Immediate Past and Current AWRA Presidents
Below is a link to the Federal Register Notice announcing the Administration’s proposed revision to the Principles segment of the Corps of Engineer’s P&G’s.  Please help by getting this document to as many interested parties as possible.  We know that the Corps would [...]

Peter Gleick
Series: Water Resources in the Next Decade
I have spent a lot of time in the last couple of decades thinking about the future of water. I think there are some truly depressing possibilities facing us. But I swing back and forth between pessimism and optimism as I get older, and find I much prefer [...]

Peter Black
Series: Water Resources in the Next Decade
Constant economic growth is both a financial benefit to our future and civilization’s major environmental challenge. It may destroy our civilization unless we act to prevent it. Why?
First, we expect our economy to grow at the rate of about seven percent each year, doubling wealth every decade. The [...]

While at the Alabama State Section Conference in Orange Beach, Alabama (AWESOME meeting!) a kind and astute gentleman brought to my attention another bill before Congress called the Twenty-First Century Water Commission Act of 2008.  The stated purpose “To establish the Twenty-First Century Water Commission to study and develop recommendations for a comprehensive water strategy to [...]

We’ve had some great posts here about national flood insurance, a national water vision or strategy, the role of the Federal government versus the state governments vis-a-vis water, etc. But we’ve failed miserably to address the ”elephant in the room” of hydrogeology.
Is “ground water” one word or two? 
A Middle East peace settlement pales in comparison to this issue.  Georgia will [...]


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