for Science, connects you to U.S. Government science and technology.

QuickRank, MetaRank and DeepRank

Helping you find the information you need is of highest priority at Every query you submit may be run using QuickRank, MetaRank and DeepRank, allowing a more thorough relevancy ranking of results.

QuickRank: In 2004, Version 2.0 introduced real-time relevancy ranking to government science search results using QuickRank. This technology ranks results based on occurrence of search terms (your query) in titles and snippets of documents.

MetaRank: 3.0 introduced MetaRank in 2005. This technology ranks results using custom algorithms applied to meta-data – or title, abstract, keywords, subject categories, etc.

DeepRank: 4.0 involves DeepRank, or the entire processing of the full text of a document or record to perform relevancy ranking for precision search. This version was released in 2007.

Search capabilities provided by DOE/OSTI and USGS
Web sites by Topic maintained by CENDI.