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    The Midwest Welfare Peer Assistance Network (WELPAN) is a network of senior welfare officials from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The group, which is coordinated by IRP and funded by the Joyce Foundation, has met regularly since the fall of 1996 to share ideas and compare notes on what it takes to make welfare reform work.

    Family Impact Seminars

    The Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars aims to strengthen connections between research and state policymaking through an ongoing series of seminars, briefing reports, and follow-up activities aimed at bringing a family focus to policymaking.

    Poverty Dispatches

    IRP compiles and distributes Poverty Dispatches, links to Web-based news items dealing with poverty, welfare reform, and related topics twice a week. Each Dispatch lists links to current news in popular print media. Persons wishing to receive Poverty Dispatches by e-mail should send a request to

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Posted: 29 November, 2004
Last Updated: 15 February, 2007 by DD