United States House of Representatives, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
color photographs of scenes from Florida's Twentieth Congressional District
Press Release
Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz Cosponsors House Resolution Recognizing Israel's Right to Defend Itself

January 9, 2009

(Washington, DC)  --  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) made the following statement today on the Resolution on Gaza which she cosponsored in the House of Representatives. The resolution went on to pass by 390-5:

“I am proud to be a cosponsor of this essential Resolution, recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming the United States' strong support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

“As Israel faces intense international criticism for exercising its legitimate right to self-defense, southern Israel is being repeatedly and consistently showered with Hamas rockets and northern Israel has been hit by rockets from Lebanon.

“Like all sovereign nations, Israel has not only a right, but moreover, an obligation, to ensure the safety and security of her citizens.

“Let me be very clear. Israel’s response, her defense of her people, is in reaction to the hundreds of Hamas missiles that were targeted at Israeli citizens throughout the feeble ceasefire of 2008.

“Hamas’ leaders, choosing terror against Israel over the welfare of the Palestinian people, have chosen violence over peace.

“And while Hamas has been going out of its way to kill innocent Israelis, Israel has been going above and beyond – even putting itself at risk – to protect innocent Palestinians.

“Specifically, Israel drops leaflets and makes phone calls to targeted Palestinian areas to warn citizens they are in danger, even if this means losing the element of surprise and putting the lives of its own soldiers at risk.

“In contrast, Hamas deliberately attacks Israeli civilians and uses its own people as human shields.

“In addition, Israel has been facilitating the transfer of significant amounts of humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip; delivering 15,000 tons of aid over the past week and a half.

“Hamas, on the other hand, has stolen some of those humanitarian medical supplies from civilians to give to their gunmen.

“Undeniably, the suffering is great in Israel and Gaza. Now is the time for us all to stand together in support of Israel and peace. I urge my colleagues to support this critical resolution, and pray that Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel, and starts working towards peace instead of terror.”

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